bags under the eyes | ojeras |
beard | barba |
brain | cerebro |
canine tooth | colmillo |
cheek | mejilla |
chin | mentón |
crinkles | pequeñas arrugas |
crow's feet | patas de gallo |
dimple | hoyuelo |
ear | oreja |
eye | ojo |
eyebrow | ceja |
eyelash | pestaña |
eyelid | párpado |
forehead | frente |
freckle | peca |
gum | encía |
hair | cabello |
hard palate | paladar duro |
incisors | incisivos |
lips | labios |
lower jaw | mandíbula inferior |
lower lip | labio inferior |
molars | molares |
moustache | bigote |
mouth | boca |
neck | cuello |
nose | nariz |
nostrils | agujeros de la nariz |
palate | paladar |
premolars | premolares |
pupil | pupila |
sideboards (UK) | patillas |
sideburns (US) | patillas |
tongue | lengua |
tonsil | amígdala |
tooth, teeth | diente, dientes |
throat | garganta |
upper jaw | mandíbula superior |
upper lip | labio superior |
uvula | campanilla |
wisdom tooth | muela de juicio |
wrinkles | arrugas |
ankle | tobillo |
buttock | nalga |
calf | pantorrilla |
femur | fémur |
foot, feet | pie, pies |
heel | talón |
heelbone | calcáneo |
instep | empeine |
knee | rodilla |
kneecap | rótula |
metatarsus | metatarso |
patella | rótula |
phalanges | falanges |
shin | canilla |
shinbone | tibia |
splint bone | peroné |
tarsus | tarso |
thigh | muslo |
thighbone | fémur |
toe | dedo del pie |
elbow | codo |
finger | dedo |
fingertip | yema del dedo |
fist | puño |
forearm | antebrazo |
hand | mano |
humerus | húmero |
index finger | índice |
knuckle | nudillo |
little finger | meñique |
middle finger | dedo medio |
nail | uña |
palm | palma de la mano |
phalanx | falange |
ring finger | anular |
radius | radio |
second phalanx | falangina |
shoulder | hombro |
third phalanx | falangeta |
thumb | pulgar |
ulna | cúbito |
upper arm | brazo |
wrist | muñeca |
abdomen | abdomen |
armpit | axila |
back | espalda |
belly | vientre |
bladder | vejiga |
breasts | pechos |
chest | pecho |
groin | ingle |
heart | corazón |
hip | cadera |
kidney | riñón |
liver | hígado |
lung | pulmón |
loins | zona lumbar |
navel | ombligo |
nipple | pezón |
spleen | bazo |
stomach | estómago |
thorax | tórax |
waist | cintura |
backbone | columna vertebral |
breast bone | esternón |
carpal | carpo |
clavicle, collarbone | clavícula |
eye socket | cuenca del ojo |
femur | fémur |
hipbone | ilion |
humerus | húmero |
kneecap | rótula |
mandible | mandíbula |
pelvis | pelvis |
phalanx | falange |
radius | radio |
rib | costilla |
scapula | omóplato |
shinbone | tibia |
shoulder blade | omóplato |
skull | cráneo |
spine | columna vertebral |
sternum | esternón |
US=American English UK=British English
We thank Fernando Sepúlveda (from Bogotá, Colombia) for his contribution.
Ver también: Acciones con el cuerpo - Vocabulario con imágenes: Partes del cuerpo - Idioms with parts of the body
Laura slipped on the stairs and twisted her ankle.
Laura se resbaló en la escalera y se dobló el tobillo.
Mary has a bandage round her knee.
Mary tiene un vendaje en su rodilla.
The thigh is between the hip and the knee.
El muslo está entre la cadera y la rodilla.
The elbow is a joint between the upper arm and the forearm.
El codo es una articulación entre el brazo y el antebrazo.
The smallest finger on your hand is called little finger.
El dedo más pequeño de la mano se llama meñique.
The baby was sucking its thumb.
El bebé estaba chupándose el dedo.
Sheila had a gold watch on her wrist.
Sheila tenía un reloj de oro en su muñeca.
The girl stretched up to kiss his cheek.
La joven se estiró para besar su mejilla.
Charles rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
Charles se frotaba el mentón pensativamente.
There were tears in her eyes as she listened to the story.
Había lágrimas en sus ojos cuando ella escuchó la historia.
Mark arrived with a smile on his lips.
Mark llegó con una sonrisa en sus labios.
He's shaved off his moustache.
Él se ha afeitado el bigote.
John ran his tongue over his dry lips.
John se pasó la lengua por los labios secos.
Sarah was lying on her belly.
Sarah estaba acostada sobre su vientre.
Regular exercise is good for the heart.
El ejercicio habitual es bueno para el corazón.
My stomach was already full of food when they brought the dessert.
Mi estómago ya estaba lleno de comida cuando trajeron el postre.
Tom was taken to hospital with a broken rib.
Tom fue llevado al hospital con una costilla quebrada.
The spine gives support to the human body.
La columna vertebral brinda apoyo al cuerpo humano.
Ejercicios y Práctica
Exercise - Parts of the body - Easy
Dictation - Parts of the body - Easy
Flashcards - Parts of the body - Easy
Hangman - Parts of the body - Easy
Word Search - Parts of the body - Easy
Word Match - Parts of the body - Easy
Memory Game - Parts of the body - Easy
Exercise - Parts of the body - Medium
Dictation - Parts of the body - Medium
Dictation - Parts of the body - Difficult
Hangman - Parts of the body - Difficult
Word Search - Parts of the body - Difficult
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