to breathe | respirar |
to inhale | inhalar |
to exhale | exhalar |
to cough | toser |
to sneeze | estornudar |
to sigh | suspirar |
to hiccup, hiccough | hipar, tener hipo |
to yawn | bostezar |
to snore | roncar |
to burp | eructar |
to chew | masticar |
to rumble | hacer ruido el estómago |
to swallow | tragar |
to suck | chupar |
to lick | lamer |
to bite | morder |
to blink | parpadear |
to wink | guiñar el ojo |
to frown | fruncir el ceño |
to grin | sonreír |
to laugh | reír |
to blush | ruborizarse |
to sweat | sudar |
to shiver | tiritar, temblar |
to tremble | temblar, estremecerse |
to itch | picar |
to scratch | rascarse |
to sleep | dormir |
to dream | soñar |
to see | ver |
to look at | mirar |
to hear | oír |
to listen | escuchar |
to smell | oler |
to taste | gustar |
to touch | tocar |
to think | pensar |
to walk | caminar |
to run | correr |
to stand up | pararse |
to sit down | sentarse |
Ver también: Actions with the hands - Idioms with parts of the body
It's important to breathe correctly while you're jogging.
Es importante respirar correctamente mientras trotas.
I feel a pain when I inhale sharply.
Siento dolor cuando inhalo muy fuerte.
The smoke made me cough.
El humo me hizo toser.
Tom has a terrible cold; he's sneezing all the time.
Tom tiene un resfriado horroroso; está estornudando todo el tiempo.
The boy had been hiccupping for a minute, so I gave him some water.
El niño estuvo hipando durante un minuto, así que le di un poco de agua.
The lecture was so boring that all the students were yawning.
La conferencia era tan aburrida que todos los estudiantes estaban bostezando.
Laura couldn't sleep because her husband was snoring.
Laura no podía dormir porque su marido estaba roncando.
You need to bite the apple hard to get through the peel.
Necesitas morder fuerte la manzana para traspasar la piel.
He winked to show he was just joking.
Él guiñó el ojo para mostrar que sólo estaba bromeando.
The boy frowned as he tried to work out the difficult equation.
El niño frunció el ceño mientras trataba de resolver la difícil ecuación.
Mary blushed when the teacher asked her a question.
Mary se sonrojó cuando la maestra le hizo una pregunta.
He was sweating after the match.
El estaba transpirando después del partido.
The new shirt was rough and itched a little bit.
La camisa nueva era áspera y picaba un poco.
He smelled garlic and knew that his wife was cooking.
El olió el ajo y supo que su esposa estaba cocinando.
I tasted a little cinnamon in the cake.
Sentí un poco de sabor a canela en el pastel.
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