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Listening Comprehension - Comprensión Auditiva

Cómo realizar este ejercicio de comprensión auditiva

- Siempre encontrarás una pequeña introducción, que puede ayudarte a comprender el tema tratado.

- Antes de mirar el video, lee las preguntas y las opciones presentadas, para saber exactamente lo que debes averiguar y así escuchar con más atención esa información.

- Quizás puedes deducir las respuestas sin necesidad de mirar el video. Sin embargo, debes confirmar con el video cuál es la opción correcta.

- Puedes mirar el video cuantas veces sea necesario. Pero es recomendable hacerlo solamente dos veces (o tres veces como máximo) ya que esa es la forma en que normalmente se realizan estos ejercicios en exámenes y pruebas internacionales.

- Comprueba tus aciertos pulsando el botón "Corregir". Si no has podido completar todas las palabras, pulsa el botón "Solución" para ver cuáles eran las que te faltaban.

- Una vez terminado el ejercicio, puedes pulsar "Ver texto" para leer el texto completo y comprobar las respuestas.

US Naval Officers Face Grueling Curriculum
Topic: One of America's premier institutions of higher learning is the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. There, young men and women grow from teenagers into naval officers. The Academy tests students both in and out of the classroom, in a series of grueling but necessary exercises, to turn out future leaders of the U.S. Navy. Source: VOA

Visualiza el video y elige la opción correcta.

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1. Commander Tomassy says that officers will learn character and ___________ attributes.Control
modern day.

2. Laura Martindale is one of the first women ever chosen to serve ___________________.Control
on a ship.
on a plane.
aboard a submarine.

3. Laura Martindale says that when going out into the Navy, you may be in charge of _______________________.Control
40 sailors and marines.
14 sailors and marines.
4 sailors and marines.

4. Midshipman Jaclyn Jordan will go to ______________.Control
fight school.
sailing school.
flight school.

5. Midshipmen must also maintain ________________________.Control
good physical condition.
peak physical condition.
their weight.


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The U.S. Naval Academy, established in 1845, builds officers from its student body of more than 4,000. For men and women who will one day serve aboard nuclear submarines and in the cockpits of sophisticated aircraft, it all starts here on small boats in the Severn River. The Academy's director of sailing, Commander Chris Tomassy, says the centuries-old skill of sailing teaches valuable lessons for the modern day.

Commander Chris Tomassy: "We're a part of the Professional Development Department and sailing is a big part of that because there you're going to learn character and leadership attributes."

These students are among the best and brightest that the country has to offer. But even after four years, an ocean of knowledge awaits. 22-year-old Laura Martindale is one of the first women ever chosen to serve aboard a submarine. She says that the Academy prepared her for the challenges ahead.

Laura Martindale: "This place teaches you how to follow and lead, and when you're going out into the Navy and you're going to be in charge of 40 sailors and marines, a really important piece of your identity is knowing who you are and where you want to go. And this place really changes you."

While Laura Martindale plans a career below the waves, Midshipman Jaclyn Jordan is preparing to shoot for the skies.

Midshipman Jaclyn Jordan: "Yes sir, I'm going to be a Naval flight officer, going to Pensacola for flight school."

But, over and above technical training, being a member of the United States Navy means being ready for war. Marksmanship training coach Bill Karditzas says the rules are simple.

Bill Karditzas: "In order to carry a pistol in the navy, a person will have to go through a qualification process."

Midshipmen must also maintain peak physical condition. At nearly any time of day across the campus people work out, practice a sport or just run with their classmates.

Among the many qualities students learn at Annapolis, perhaps the most important is that of leadership through honor and integrity, something these students seem well aware of.

Midshipman 1st Class Laura Martindale: "Honor, courage and commitment isn't something that we just put on a poster and think about later. It is something that we are expected to live and participate in actively every day."

Midshipman Matthew Evans agrees.

Midshipman 1st Class Matthew Evans: "Knowing that we are going to be in charge of people's lives, some of my classmates are going to Iraq within a year after getting out of here. And they are going to be in harm's way leading platoons. I have a lot of respect for that. I don't know how many other 22-year-olds are going to be doing that."

Midshipman 1st Class Jaclyn Jordan: "I mean, I just try every day to do my best and make my classmates proud, my parents proud and most importantly the nation proud, because in the end we are just working for America."

Their individual experiences vary, but graduates agree that the Naval Academy prepares them all for the life and death decisions that officers are called upon to make.

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