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Listening Comprehension - Comprensión Auditiva

Cómo realizar este ejercicio de comprensión auditiva

- Siempre encontrarás una pequeña introducción, que puede ayudarte a comprender el tema tratado.

- En los textos presentados se han ocultado algunas palabras, que deberás escribir en los casilleros correspondientes. A medida que lees el texto, escucha el audio con atención para descubrir dichas palabras.

- Quizás puedes deducir las palabras sin necesidad de escuchar el audio. Pero, pon atención al audio para confirmar si realmente se trata de la respuesta correcta.

- Puedes escuchar el audio cuantas veces sea necesario. Pero es recomendable hacerlo solamente dos veces (o tres veces como máximo) ya que esa es la forma en que normalmente se realizan estos ejercicios en exámenes y pruebas internacionales.

- Comprueba tus aciertos pulsando el botón "Corregir". Si no has podido completar todas las palabras, pulsa el botón "Solución" para ver cuáles eran las que te faltaban.

Want to Grow a Root? Beets Are Hard to Beat
Topic: Advice for growing a colorful and nutritious vegetable. Transcript of radio broadcast. Source: VOA

Escucha el audio y completa los recuadros.

This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

Beets are a tasty Control vegetable that do not require much work to grow. People might think beets are always dark red. But they can also be pink, yellow or white. Beets with circles of red and white inside are known as candy Control or candy stripe beets.

Beets are high in nutrients including folate, Control and fiber. They can be eaten fresh or frozen, canned or pickled. And not just the root but also the tops can be eaten. The leaves make good salads when the plants are young, and the greens can be Control when the plants are older.

Beets like cool temperatures, between sixteen and eighteen degrees Celsius. They grow best in full sun and in Control soil that is not too wet.

Remove stones from the soil while preparing the ground. And test the soil before adding Control and fertilizer. Some experts say the best fertilizers for beets are low in nitrogen. Beets need the acidity level in the soil to be six to seven and a half.

Beet Control can be planted as soon as the soil is able to be worked at the start of the growing season. Planting them every two or three weeks would provide a continuous Control into the fall.

Iowa State University horticulture specialist Cindy Haynes suggests planting the seeds one and one-quarter centimeters Control. They should be planted in rows that are spaced thirty to forty-six centimeters apart.

A beet seed is a fruit containing several seeds. Control the plants will mean that the roots cannot spread out and grow. Thin the beets by removing the smaller ones. These can be used as greens.

Cindy Haynes says little or no fertilizer is needed in fertile soils. She does suggest covering the soil with a little mulch to protect it during rains and dry periods. She also suggests putting a Control around the plants to keep away rabbits and Control.

She says the only work needed once beets have been Control is weeding and, when the weather is dry, a weekly watering.

For best results, beets should be picked when the roots are two and one-half centimeters around. Beets much larger than that can be Control and have to be cooked for a long time.

Some people like beets prepared simply in butter. Others like to cook them with Control and Control.

And that's the VOA Special English Agriculture Report, written by Jerilyn Watson. For links to more information about growing beets, go to I'm Steve Ember.


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