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Listening Comprehension - Comprensión Auditiva

Cómo realizar este ejercicio de comprensión auditiva

- Siempre encontrarás una pequeña introducción, que puede ayudarte a comprender el tema tratado.

- En los textos presentados se han ocultado algunas palabras, que deberás escribir en los casilleros correspondientes. A medida que lees el texto, escucha el audio con atención para descubrir dichas palabras.

- Quizás puedes deducir las palabras sin necesidad de escuchar el audio. Pero, pon atención al audio para confirmar si realmente se trata de la respuesta correcta.

- Puedes escuchar el audio cuantas veces sea necesario. Pero es recomendable hacerlo solamente dos veces (o tres veces como máximo) ya que esa es la forma en que normalmente se realizan estos ejercicios en exámenes y pruebas internacionales.

- Comprueba tus aciertos pulsando el botón "Corregir". Si no has podido completar todas las palabras, pulsa el botón "Solución" para ver cuáles eran las que te faltaban.

How to Do It: Making Paper by Hand
Topic: Modern paper-making began in China about 2,000 years ago. Transcript of radio broadcast. Source: VOA

Escucha el audio y completa los recuadros.

This is the VOA Special English Development Report.

The earliest process of making paper was done almost five thousand years ago in Egypt and the Nile Valley. In those days, paper was made from Control of the papyrus plant.

Modern paper-making began in China about two thousand years ago. This process produced paper from Control, straw, wood or the Control of trees. The raw materials are struck over and over until they become Control. Then they are mixed with water.

After the water has been removed, the flat, thin form remaining is permitted to dry. This becomes a Control of paper.

Large machines started to be used for making paper near the end of the sixteenth century. Today, paper-making is a big business. But it is still possible to make paper by hand, since the Control are the same as using big machines.

You should choose paper with small amounts of printing. Old envelopes are good for this reason. Colored paper also can be used, as well as Control amounts of newspaper. Small pieces of Control or cloth can be added. These should be cut into pieces about five centimeters by five centimeters.

Everything is placed in a container, covered with water, and brought to a Control. It is mixed for about two hours with some common chemicals and then allowed to Control. Then it is left until most of the water dries up. The substance left, called pulp, can be stored until you are ready to make paper.

When you are ready, the pulp is mixed with water again. Then the pulp is poured into a special box or mold. The mold is made of small Control of wire that hold the shape and thickness of the paper. To help dry the paper, the mold lets the water Control through the small wire squares.

After several more drying steps, the paper is carefully lifted back from the mold. It is now Control enough to be touched.

The paper is smoothed and pressed to remove trapped air. You can use a common electric Control used for pressing clothes.

There are many other technologies for people making paper using small Control.

You can order more information about making paper from EnterpriseWorks/VITA. The address of the group's Web site is

And that's the VOA Special English Development Report. Transcripts, MP3s and podcasts of our reports are at


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