almond | almendra |
apple | manzana |
apricot | damasco, albaricoque |
avocado | aguacate |
banana | banana, plátano |
blackberry | mora, zarzamora |
blueberry | arándano |
cherry | cereza |
chestnut | castaña |
coconut | coco |
date | dátil |
fig | higo |
grape | uva |
grapefruit | pomelo, toronja |
hazelnut | avellana |
lemon | limón |
lime | lima |
mango | mango |
melon | melón |
morello cherry | guinda |
nectarine | nectarina |
orange | naranja |
papaya | papaya |
peach | durazno, melocotón |
peanut | cacahuete, maní |
pear | pera |
pineapple | piña, ananá |
plum | ciruela |
raspberry | frambuesa |
strawberry | fresa, frutilla |
tangerine | mandarina |
watermelon | sandía |
artichoke | alcaucil, alcachofa |
aubergine (UK) | berenjena |
asparagus | espárrago |
beans | frijoles, alubias |
beetroot | remolacha |
broccoli | brócoli |
Brussels sprouts | col/repollito de Bruselas |
cabbage | col, repollo |
carrot | zanahoria |
cauliflower | coliflor |
celery | apio |
corn | maíz |
courgette | zapallito, calabacín |
cucumber | pepino |
eggplant (US) | berenjena |
garlic | ajo |
leek | puerro |
lentils | lentejas |
lettuce | lechuga |
mushroom | champiñón |
onion | cebolla |
peas | arvejas, guisantes |
pepper | pimiento |
pickle | pepino |
potato | papa, patata |
pumpkin | calabaza |
radish | rabanito |
rice | arroz |
rye | centeno |
spinach | espinaca |
squash | calabacita |
sweet potato | batata |
tomato | tomate |
turnip | nabo |
watercress | berro |
wheat | trigo |
US=American English UK=British English
We thank Andreu Torres Borras (from Barcelona, Spain) and Juan Manuel Fabregat Moreno (from Los Belones, Spain) for their contribution.
Ver también: Vocabulario con imágenes: Frutas y Verduras - Productos lácteos - Vocabulario con imágenes: Comidas
This apple's really sweet and delicious.
Esta manzana realmente está dulce y deliciosa.
I like eating bananas after lunch.
Me gusta comer plátanos después del almuerzo.
The cake was covered with tasty blackberries.
El pastel estaba cubierto de sabrosas moras.
Blueberries are good for your health.
Los arándanos son buenos para la salud.
Jim had some fresh figs for dessert.
Jim comió higos frescos como postre.
I've brought you a bunch of grapes.
Te traje un racimo de uvas.
Garnish with grapefruit segments and mint leaves.
Decorar con gajos de pomelo y hojas de menta.
Add a few drops of lemon juice.
Agregar unas gotas de jugo de limón.
Peel the oranges and divide them into segments.
Pelar las naranjas y dividirlas en gajos.
Cut the pineapple in chunks and put them in a bowl.
Cortar la piña en trozos y colocarlos en un bol.
I'd like strawberries with cream for dessert.
Quisiera frutillas con crema como postre.
This watermelon weighed 10 kilos.
Esta sandía pesaba 10 kilos.
Drain the aubergines and dry on kitchen paper.
Escurrir las berenjenas y dejar secar en papel de cocina.
They served broccoli and potatoes with the roast beef.
Sirvieron brócoli y papas con la carne asada.
Grate the carrots and add some olive oil.
Rallar las zanahorias y agregar un poco de aceite de oliva.
Add a crushed clove of garlic.
Agregar un diente de ajo triturado.
Tear the lettuce leaves into small pieces.
Cortar las hojas de lechuga en trozos pequeños.
Chop the onions finely.
Picar en trozos finos las cebollas.
Peel and slice the potatoes.
Pelar y cortas las papas en rodajas.
The squash is normally harvested in autumn.
La calabacita normalmente se cultiva en otoño.
Ejercicios y Práctica
Exercise - Fruit and vegetables - Easy
Exercise - Fruit and vegetables - Easy
Dictation - Fruit and vegetables - Easy
Flashcards - Fruit and vegetables - Easy
Flashcards - Fruit and vegetables - Easy
Hangman - Fruit and vegetables - Easy
Word Search - Fruit and vegetables - Easy
Word Match - Fruit - Easy
Word Match - Vegetables - Easy
Memory Game - Fruit - Easy
Memory Game - Vegetables - Easy
Dictation - Fruit and vegetables - Medium
Dictation - Fruit and vegetables - Difficult
Hangman - Fruit and vegetables - Difficult
Word Search - Fruit and vegetables - Difficult
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