health | salud |
illness | enfermedad (en general) |
disease | enfermedad (específica) |
asthma | asma |
chickenpox | varicela |
smallpox | viruela |
heart attack | infarto |
heart disease | cardiopatía |
hepatitis | hepatitis |
ulcer | úlcera |
flu | gripe |
mumps | paperas |
wound | herida (por un arma) |
injury | herida |
blood | sangre |
hospital | hospital |
doctor | médico |
family doctor | médico de cabecera |
nurse | enfermera |
injection | inyección |
medicine | medicina |
pill | pastilla, píldora |
prescription | receta médica |
vaccine | vacuna |
painful | doloroso |
painless | indoloro |
bandage | venda |
band-aid | tirita, curita |
plaster (UK) | tirita, curita |
in plaster (UK) | enyesado |
in a cast | enyesado |
crutch | muleta |
wheelchair | silla de ruedas |
to feel good | sentirse bien |
to catch a cold | atrapar un resfrío |
to have a cold | tener un resfrío |
to sneeze | estornudar |
to cough | toser |
to blow one's nose | sonarse la nariz |
to feel sick | tener náuseas |
to feel dizzy | estar mareado |
to faint | desmayarse |
to pass out | desmayarse |
to be tired | estar cansado |
to be exhausted | estar agotado |
to have backache | tener dolor de espalda |
to have earache | tener dolor de oídos |
to have a headache | tener dolor de cabeza |
to have a sore throat | tener dolor de garganta |
to have a stomach ache | tener dolor de estómago |
to have toothache | tener dolor de dientes |
to have a temperature | tener fiebre |
to have a cough | tener tos |
to have diarrhoea | tener diarrea |
to have a rash | tener erupciones, sarpullido |
to have spots | tener granitos |
to have a black eye | tener un ojo morado |
to get a bruise | magullarse |
to get burnt | quemarse |
to lose one's appetite | perder el apetito |
to lose one's voice | quedarse afónico |
to break one's arm | quebrarse el brazo |
to sprain one's ankle | tener un esguince en el tobillo |
to twist one's ankle | torcerse el tobillo |
to be constipated | estar estreñido |
to have constipation | tener estreñimiento |
to be allergic to | ser alérgico a |
to suffer from | sufrir de |
to vomit | vomitar |
to throw up | vomitar |
to hurt | doler |
to swell | hincharse |
to take an aspirin | tomar una aspirina |
to take one's medicine | tomar el medicamento |
to take medication | tomar medicación |
to be on medication | estar medicado |
US=American English UK=British English
He had all the normal childhood illnesses.
Tuvo todas las enfermedades infantiles normales.
About two thousand people suffer from the disease every year.
Cerca de 2000 personas sufren la enfermedad cada año.
The nurse cleaned and bandaged the wound.
La enfermera limpió y vendó la herida.
The driver of the bus suffered injuries to his legs.
El conductor del autobús sufrió heridas en sus piernas.
The doctor gave him a prescription for some sleeping pills.
El médico le dio una receta de pastillas para dormir.
There are supplies of smallpox vaccines stored in the United States and other countries.
Hay suministros de vacunas contra la viruela almacenados en Estados Unidos y otros países.
Luke caught a cold and he's now sneezing and coughing all day.
Luke se atrapó un resfrío y ahora está estornudando y tosiendo todo el día.
He began to feel dizzy and fainted.
Comenzó a sentirse mareado y se desmayó.
The little baby had earache on the plane.
El pequeño bebé tenía dolor de oídos en el avión.
The singer complained of a sore throat after the show.
El cantante se quejó de dolor de garganta después del espectáculo.
How did you get that bruise on your arm?
¿Cómo te hiciste esa magulladura en el brazo?
He fell down the steps and sprained his ankle.
Cayó por los escalones y tuvo un esguince de tobillo.
His ankle was already starting to swell.
Su tobillo ya comenzaba a hincharse.
You can take an aspirin to reduce fever.
Puedes tomar una aspirina para bajar la fiebre.
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