Hot dog
The use of this word to mean sausage comes from the XIX century. Hot referred to the temperature of the sausage, of course. And dog may have been a reference to the alleged contents of the sausage. In 1845 there were many accusations against sausage makers of using dog meat to make the sausage (which was not true). The term became popular and was often used in newspapers, making it as common as it is today.
El uso de esta palabra para significar salchicha proviene del siglo XIX. Hot se refería obviamente a la temperatura de la salchicha. Y dog sería una referencia al presunto contenido de la salchicha. En 1845 hubo muchas acusaciones contra los fabricantes de estos embutidos de utilizar carne de perro para fabricar la salchicha (lo cual no era verdad). El término se hizo popular y era utilizado comúnmente en los periódicos, haciendo que sea tan común como lo es hoy .
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