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English & Songs - Aprender inglés con canciones
Learn English with songs

Las letras de canciones en inglés resultan muy útiles para aprender palabras y expresiones nuevas, ya que muchas veces utilizan vocabulario informal y coloquial. También te pueden ayudar a comprender mejor el inglés hablado.

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Listening exercise

En este ejercicio puedes practicar tu comprensión auditiva. Pulsa el botón Video para escuchar la canción y rellena los espacios blancos con las palabras que faltan.

No intentes comprender todo el texto, solamente concéntrate en las palabras que debes completar.

Cuando termines, puedes ver la letra de la canción con la traducción al español y las explicaciones del vocabulario utilizado.

Versión para imprimir

by The Wallflowers

So long ago, I don't remember ,
That's when they say I lost my only friend.
Well, they said she died easy
Of a broken heart disease,
As I listened
the cemetery trees.

I've seen the sun coming up at the funeral at .
The long broken arm of human law.
Now it always seemed such a .
She always had a pretty face,
So I wondered
How she around this place.

Hey, come on, try a little.
Nothing is forever.
There's to be something better than
In the middle,
But me and Cinderella,
We put it all together.
We can drive it home
With one .

She said it's cold.
It feels like Independence Day.
And I can't break away from this
But there's got to be an opening
Somewhere here, in front of me,
Through this of ugliness and .
And I've seen the sun up ahead
At the county line bridge.
Saying all there's good and is dead,
We'll run until she's out of breath.
She ran until there's nothing left.
She hit the end,
It's just her window .


Well, this place is old.
It feels just like a beat-up .
I turn the engine, but the engine doesn't turn.
Well, it of cheap wine and cigarettes.
This place is always such a mess.
Sometimes I think I'd like to watch it .
I'm so alone,
And I feel just like somebody else.
Man, I ain't changed,
But I know I ain't the same.
But somewhere here
In between the city walls of dreams,
I think her death must be killing me.



Ver la letra completa con la traducción y explicaciones del vocabulario

Más ejercicios con letras de canciones:

The lyrics are copyright. They are used here for educational purposes only.

That's curious!
The word cardigan, meaning a knitted jacket fastened with buttons, was named after James Thomas Brudenell, 7th Earl of Cardigan. This piece of garment was first worn by British soldiers during the cold winter of Crimea, where the Earl led the Light Brigade in the Crimea War in 1854.

Descubre el origen de las palabras en
The Story behind the Words


PelículasAprende inglés con diálogos de películas en English & Movies


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