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English & Movies - Aprender inglés con películas

En esta parte, analizamos extractos de guiones de películas para entender el uso del inglés cotidiano auténtico. Lee los fragmentos e intenta comprenderlos. Luego, lee la explicación del vocabulario. Finalmente, vuelve a leer el texto.

Recomendaciones para aprender inglés
con películas

Elige escenas cortas, retrocede la película y vuelve a mirarlas. Para eso, marca el comienzo de la escena pulsando el botón "A-B" de tu reproductor de DVD. Cuando termine la escena, pulsa el mismo botón y se volverá a repetir la escena automáticamente.

Desactiva los subtítulos en español. Si aún no logras entender el diálogo, activa la opción "CC" (Closed Caption) en tu televisor para ver los subtítulos en inglés.

Intenta mirar películas que conozcas y hayas visto. Dado que ya sabes lo que sucede en la trama, podrás concentrarte en el vocabulario y las expresiones usadas en las conversaciones.

Repite las frases que escuchas y si no entiendes algo, utiliza un diccionario.

Presta atención a la pronunciación y la entonación. De esta forma, irás entrenando el oído para identificar las palabras, lo cual ciertamente te ayudará a mejorar tu comprensión del inglés.

Learn English with Eight Millimeter AMY: Welcome home!
WELLES: Do you know how much I missed you?
AMY: What's this? Have you been smoking?
WELLES: Smoking? I'm not smoking.
AMY: Your clothing reeks of it.
WELLES: You know, Amy, I've been sitting around in bars and everywhere following this guy... I mean, is this what I get as first thing? Before you even say "hello," you accuse me?
AMY: I'm not accusing you...
WELLES: Well, I'm not smoking, okay?
AMY: Okay, I believe you.
welcome home! ¡bienvenido a casa!
to miss somebody extrañar a alguien, echar de menos a alguien
to reek of something apestar a algo
to sit around estar sentado
to accuse somebody of something acusar a alguien de algo


MRS CHRISTIAN: Mister Welles, you're very prompt.
WELLES: I try to be.
MRS CHRISTIAN: I appreciate your coming on such short notice. This is Mister Longdale, my late husband's attorney.
WELLES: Uh-huh, pleasure.
MRS CHRISTIAN: Apparently Mr. Longdale has something he feels he simply must say before you and I speak.
LONGDALE: Yes, I do have something to say. I insisted on being here as soon as I heard Mrs. Christian contacted you.
WELLES: I'm listening.
LONGDALE: As Mr. Christian's attorney and one of the executors of his estate, it concerns me that a meeting of this sort should take place without my being asked to attend.
WELLES: Of what sort?
LONGDALE: You are a private investigator?
WELLES: That's right.
LONGDALE: Well, whatever reasons Mrs. Christian has for engaging the services of a private investigator, I should certainly be a party too. But, since she feels differently, I can only go on the record as having expressed my adamant disapproval.
MRS CHRISTIAN: Yes, how theatrical. So you've gone on the record, and now perhaps you should just be gone.
to be prompt ser puntual
on such short notice en tan poco tiempo, con tan poca antelación. Otras expresiones son until further notice (hasta nuevo aviso) y without notice (sin previo aviso).
attorney abogado
to insist on something insistir con algo
as soon as tan pronto como
executor albacea, testamentario
estate herencia, propiedad
to concern preocupar, inquietar
to take place ocurrir, tener lugar
to attend asistir. Asistencia se dice attendance.
whatever reasons cualesquiera sean la razones
to engage the services contratar los servicios
to be party ser parte interesada
to go on the record hacer algo públicamente
adamant firme, inflexible
disapproval desaprobación

They want to see if I can identify this girl.

DIRECTOR: What can I do for you, Mr. Welles?
WELLES: Call me Tom.
DIRECTOR: Alright, Tom.
WELLES: What I'd like, very simply, is access to your archive. And, now I understand this isn't something you normally do for private citizens.
DIRECTOR: There are reasons for the way we do things here.
WELLES: Absolutely. Of course I'll abide by whatever decision you make, but I'd appreciate if you'll hear me out. Few days ago, I was contacted by a couple living in Philadelphia, a doctor and his wife. What happened was they picked up a young girl hitchhiking off 81, which heads into Philadelphia. They started up a conversation with this girl, she looked homeless, seemed about eighteen maybe. They convinced her to let them buy her a meal in the city. Nice kid, mature, didn't have much to say, but they got a sense she's a runaway, so all through dinner the doctor's working on her, trying to convince her that at the very least she should pick up a telephone. Not surprisingly, she ate her food, excused herself... That's the last they saw of her. The reason they came to me for help, the reason I'm coming to you, is we had a friend of mine in the department work up a sketch... They want to see if I can identify this girl, somehow pass along a message to let the parents know the kid's alive, doing alright.
citizen ciudadano. Fellow citizen significa conciudadano, paisano.
to abide by something acatar algo. Notar el uso de la preposición by.
to pick up somebody recoger, levantar a alguien
to hitchhike hacer autostop, ir de aventón, hacer dedo
off 81 sobre la ruta 81
to head into llevar a
to start up something comenzar algo
homeless sin hogar, sin techo
runaway fugitivo
at the very least por lo menos
to pick up a telephone levantar un teléfono
not surprisingly como es lógico
to excuse oneself pedir permiso, disculparse
to work up something llevar a cabo algo
sketch boceto, esbozo, dibujo
somehow de alguna manera
to pass along pasar
to let somebody know hacer saber a alguien


The scripts and the images are copyright.
They are used here for educational purposes only.

FichasAprende y memoriza nuevas palabras de forma amena!
Por temas, con imágenes y ejemplos de uso.
Listas de Vocabulario


That's curious!
SandwichLa palabra sandwich proviene del diplomático inglés John Montagu, cuarto conde de Sandwich. Era un jugador compulsivo y para evitar tener que detener el juego para comer, ordenaba que le trajeran su comida para no perder tanto tiempo. Sus sirvientes le traían fiambre entre dos rebanadas de pan.

Descubre el origen de las palabras en
The Story behind the Words


Comprensión de lecturaPractica inglés con ejercicios de comprensión de lectura basados en artículos de cultura inglesa y noticias en Reading




Practicar Comprensión auditivaPractica comprensión auditiva (listening comprehension) con noticias de la actualidad.





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