Idioms with Other Animals
- donkey's years = a very long time
- donkey-work = the hard part of a job
- to talk the hind legs off a donkey = to talk a lot
- a scapegoat = chivo expiatorio
- a red herring = something that attracts people's attention
- to have a frog in one's throat = to have a phlem

- to have seen the lions = to have a lot of experience, to have seen
- the lion's share = the biggest part of something
- to come out of one's shell = to become less shy
- to learn/say something parrot-fashion = to learn/say sth by heart, from memory

- a white elephant = possession that is useless and expensive to maintain
- to be a busy bee = to enjoy being busy or active
- to have a bee in one's bonnet (about something) = to be obsessed, mad with something

- to have bats in the belfry = to be eccentric or insane
- monkey business/tricks = dishonest or bad behaviour
- brass monkey weather = very cold weather
- to make a monkey out of somebody = to make somebody look stupid
- to have ants in one's pants = to be very restless
- to be a bookworm = to like reading; ser un ratón de biblioteca
- to be mad as a March hare = to be completely mad
- to be packed like sardines = estar como sardinas enlatadas

- to shed crocodile tears = llorar lágrimas de cocodrilo
- to be like a bear with a sore head = to be rude, in a bad mood
- to be eagle-eyed = to be very good at seeing or noticing things
- to talk turkey = to talk frankly, discuss a problem in a serious way
We thank Marcela Bitetto (from Buenos Aires, Argentina), Norma (from Bernal, Argentina), Mónica Latorre (from Buenos Aires, Argentina) and Domingo Romero (from Madrid, Spain) for their suggestions.
Choose the right answer.

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