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English Vocabulary - Vocabulario de inglés

note (UK) = banknote (UK)
= piece of metal used to pay when travelling by train or underground. / receipt given as a present to somebody so that he spends it as he likes (UK)
= a pound
buck = a dollar
a euro

fiver = a £5 note (UK), a $5 bill (US)
tenner = a £10 note (UK), a $10 bill (US)

cheque (UK) = check (US)
currency = money used in a country
fund = sum of money saved
funds = financial resources
finance (noun) = management of money
shares = acciones
bonds = bonos
assets = what you achieve and possess

to pay cash
to pay by cheque
to pay by credit card
to pay by debit card

= giro
= giro en descubierto
postal order
(UK) = giro postal
money order (US) = giro postal
to deposit
- a deposit
to withdraw
- a withdrawal
to cash a cheque
= money in your account
bank account = cuenta bancaria
current account (UK) = cuenta corriente
checking account (US) = cuenta corriente
savings account = cuenta de ahorro
bank statement
= resumen bancario
bank charges = what the bank charges for their service
interest rate
teller = cashier = clerk
= cajero
= cajero automático
safe = caja fuerte
vault = bóveda
treasury = tesoro
exchange rate

to lend = prestar
to borrow
= tomar prestado
- a loan = préstamo
to loan
= to lend
to owe
= deber
to pay back
= devolver
due = owed
= debido
= vencido
- a debt = deuda
expense account
= viáticos
to spend on something
to invest in something
- an investment = inversión
to pawn
= empeñar
- a pawnbroker = prestamista
= hipoteca

comfortably off = rich
= quite rich
badly-off = poor

your account is in red = you are in the red
to be on the red line
= cover the minimum necessities
to be tight
to be penniless
to be broke
to go/be bankrupt
- bankruptcy
to inherit = receive money, properties from an ancestor
- heir (masculine) - heiress (feminine) = person who inherits something
to make a fortune = earn a lot of money by working
to win a fortune = win a lot of money on a bet, game, etc.
to run into debt = endeudarse 
to be (heavily) in debt = tener (muchas) deudas
to be up to one's ears in debt
= estar muy endeudado
to be broke
= estar en bancarrota
to be on the dole
= estar cobrando el paro/subsidio de desempleo

retail = venta minorista
- a retailer
wholesale = venta mayorista
- a wholesaler
to buy something in bulk = comprar por bulto cerrado

to give somebody a treat = obsequiar, invitar 
to cost (cost, cost)
to haggle over something
= ask for a lower price
to cut down = to reduce
cut = reduction

to squander = throw away money
- a squanderer
stake money
= money used to bet
to pay in instalments = pay in amounts of money every month
hire purchase (UK)
installment plan

at cheap rates
cheap-rate time
= time when the rate is cheaper
off-peak time = time when the rate is cheaper
peak time = time when the rate is more expensive
to refund
a refund
a coupon


budget = presupuesto
upkeep = money needed to keep up something
economical = that doesn't spend much
economic = related to economy


Ver también: No Money - Over 30 Forms of Money


Have you got change for a ten-pound note?
¿Tienes cambio para un billete de diez libras?

Dollar billThe kid was holding a one-dollar bill in his hand.
El niño tenía un billete de un dólar en su mano.

Don't put too many coins in your wallet or you'll break it.
No metas muchas monedas en tu cartera o la romperás.

A fifty-pound token will be awarded to the winner of the contest.
Un vale de 50 libras será entregado al ganador del concurso.

This cheque is in a different currency, so you can't deposit it in your account.
Este cheque está en una moneda diferente, por lo tanto no puedes depositarlo en tu cuenta.

A fund was setup to restore the cathedral.
Se creó una colecta para restaurar la catedral.

The company has sufficient funds to pay our suppliers.
La empresa tiene fondos suficientes para pagar a nuestros proveedores.

Credit cardWould you like to pay cash, by cheque or by credit card?
¿Le gustaría pagar en efectivo, con cheque o con tarjeta de crédito?

Could you send a bank draft to pay for the merchandise?
¿Podrías enviar un giro bancario para pagar la mercadería?

I don't have enough balance on my account; I'll have to use my overdraft to pay the bills.
No tengo suficiente saldo en mi cuenta; tendré que usar mi descubierto bancario para pagar las cuentas.

When I wanted to cash the cheque, the teller asked for my ID.
Cuando quise cobrar el cheque, el cajero me pidió mi documento de identidad.

Sheila needed to get a loan, but the interest rate is a bit high at this moment.
Sheila necesitaba obtener un préstamo, pero la tasa de interés es un poquito alta en este momento.

A pawnbroker lends people money in exchange for valuable objects.
Un prestamista presta dinero a la gente a cambio de objetos valiosos.

They took out a 10-year mortgage to buy the house.
Sacaron una hipoteca a 10 años para comprar la casa.

My neighbours aren't badly off as they have the state pension.
Mis vecinos no están mal de dinero porque cobran la pensión estatal.

Many of the immigrants arrive penniless.
Muchos de los inmigrantes llegan sin dinero.

The firm went bankrupt before the building renovation was completed.
La firma se declaró en quiebra antes de que se complete la renovación del edificio.

Lucy inherited a fortune some years ago but now she's heavily in debt.
Lucy heredó una fortuna hace unos años pero ahora está muy endeudada.

The company operates through a nationwide chain of wholesalers.
La empresa opera a través de una cadena nacional de mayoristas.

She squandered all her money on bad investments.
Ella derrochó todo su dinero en malas inversiones.

Most new cars are bought on hire purchase.
La mayoría de los coches nuevos se compran en cuotas.

The country is facing economic problems.
El país está enfrentando problemas económicos.

We bought a small car, which is more economical to run.
Compramos un coche pequeño, que es más económico de mantener.

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