washbasin | toilet |
bath | shower |
brush | toothbrush |
comb | towel rail |
electric shaver | razor |
hairdryer | bucket |
watering can | hose |
lawnmower | wheelbarrow |
Ver también: Lista completa de Partes de la casa - Idioms with Parts of the house
Wash your hands in the washbasin before sitting down at the table.
Lávate las manos en el lavabo antes de sentarte a la mesa.
Cleaning the toilet is the chore I hate most.
Limpiar el inodoro es la tarea que más detesto.
Please scrub the bath after you shower.
Por favor limpia la bañera luego de ducharte.
Sheila took a shower when she came back from the gym.
Sheila tomó una ducha al volver del gimnasio.
You can use a brush to clean off the dust.
Puedes usar un cepillo para limpiar el polvo.
Paul brushed his teeth thoroughly with his new electric toothbrush.
Paul se cepilló los dientes cuidadosamente con su nuevo cepillo de dientes eléctrico.
Jim couldn't find his comb this morning and his hair was a mess.
Jim no pudo encontrar el peine esta mañana y su cabello era un lío.
He left the wet towel on the towel rail and got out of the bathroom.
Dejó la toalla mojada en el toallero y salió del baño.
Electric shavers are fast, convenient and safe.
Las afeitadoras eléctricas son rápidas, prácticas y seguras.
He bought a couple of disposable razors for the trip.
Compró un par de maquinillas de afeitar descartables para el viaje.
Let your hair dry naturally instead of using a hairdryer.
Deja secar tu cabello en forma natural en lugar de usar un secador de cabello.
Jim prefers to use a watering can to water the plants.
Jim prefiere usar una regadera para regar las plantas.
The gardener used a modern lawnmower but, even so, it was too loud.
El jardinero usó un cortacésped moderno pero igualmente hacía mucho ruido.
He took the manure to the garden in a wheelbarrow.
Llevó el estiércol al jardín en una carretilla.
Ejercicios y Práctica
Exercise - Parts of the house - Easy
Dictation - Parts of the house - Easy
Flashcards - Parts of the house - Easy
Flashcards - Parts of the house (2) - Easy
Hangman - Parts of the house - Easy
Word Search - Parts of the house - Easy
Word Match - Parts of the house - Easy
Memory Game - Parts of the house - Easy
Exercise - Parts of the house - Medium
Dictation - Parts of the house - Medium
Exercise - Parts of the house - Difficult
Dictation - Parts of the house - Difficult
Hangman - Parts of the house - Difficult
Word Search - Parts of the house - Difficult
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