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English Vocabulary - Vocabulario de inglés
bed wardrobe
built-in wardrobe chest of drawers
writing desk desk lamp
television set remote control
telephone wastepaper basket (UK)
wastebasket (US)
doorknob light switch
magazine rack alarm clock
curtains blinds

US=American English UK=British English

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Ver también: Lista completa de Partes de la casa - Idioms with Parts of the house


Don't jump on the bed, kids!
¡No salten en la cama, niños!

Louis took off his coat and hang it in the wardrobe.
Louis se quitó el saco y lo colgó en el armario.

Sheila keeps all letters and important papers in the chest of drawers.
Sheila guarda todas las cartas y papeles importantes en la cómoda.

The photo showed the president working on his writing desk.
La foto mostraba al presidente trabajando en su escritorio.

Helen read the letter by the light of the desk lamp.
Helen leyó la carta bajo la luz de la lámpara de escritorio.

We called a technician because our television set wasn't working properly.
Llamamos a un técnico porque nuestro televisor no funcionaba correctamente.

He's just two years old but he already knows how to use the remote control.
El tiene solamente dos años pero ya sabe usar el control remoto.

As soon as she got home, she picked up the telephone and dialled his number.
Apenas llegó a la casa, ella levantó el teléfono y marcó su número.

She threw the letter straight in the wastepaper basket.
Ella arrojó la carta directamente en el cubo de la basura.

The doorknob is jammed. I can't open the door!
El pomo está trabado. ¡No puedo abrir la puerta!

When you enter the room, the light switch is on your right.
Cuando entras a la habitación, el interruptor de luz está a la derecha.

Sophie keeps some photography magazines in a magazine rack.
Sophie guarda algunas revistas de fotografía en un revistero.

She entered the living room, drew the curtains and turned on the lights.
Ella entró en el salón, cerró las cortinas y encendió las luces.

The kitchen was dark because the blinds were drawn.
La cocina estaba oscura porque las persianas estaban cerradas.

Ejercicios y Práctica

Level of this activity: Easy
Exercise - Parts of the house - Easy
Dictation - Parts of the house - Easy
Flashcards - Parts of the house - Easy
Flashcards - Parts of the house (2) - Easy
Hangman - Parts of the house - Easy
Word Search - Parts of the house - Easy
Word Match - Parts of the house - Easy Nuevo juego
Memory Game - Parts of the house - Easy Nuevo juego

Level of this activity: Medium
Exercise - Parts of the house - Medium
Dictation - Parts of the house - Medium

Level of this activity: Difficult
Exercise - Parts of the house - Difficult
Dictation - Parts of the house - Difficult
Hangman - Parts of the house - Difficult
Word Search - Parts of the house - Difficult

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