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English Vocabulary - Vocabulario de inglés


¿Qué es un idiom?
Un "idiom" o "idiomatic expression" es una frase idiomática utilizada en lenguaje coloquial informal.

En general, el significado de la frase es diferente al significado normal de cada palabra por separado. Por ejemplo, "to let the cat out of the bag" significa "revelar un secreto". Si traducimos palabra por palabra, sería "dejar salir al gato de la bolsa", lo cual es incorrecto.

La dificultad para los estudiantes de inglés es que no pueden traducirse literalmente y deben aprenderse de memoria. Pero en algunos casos existen equivalentes similares en español.

Idioms with DOG

  • Perroa dog's life = constantly worried, troubled or miserable
    (una vida de perros = constantemente preocupado, con problemas o triste)
  • every dog has his day = everyone can succeed sooner or later
    (cada perro tiene su día = todos tendrán éxito tarde o temprano)
  • love me, love my dog = if one loves somebody, one should love everyone and everything associated with him
    (quiéreme a mí, quiere a mi perro)
  • to be like a dog with two tails = to be very happy
    (estar como perro con dos colas = estar muy feliz)
  • to be as sick as a dog = be ill, vomiting a lot
    (estar muy enfermo, con vómitos)
  • to give a dog a bad name (and hang him) = once a person has lost his reputation, it's difficult to regain it
    (por un perro que maté, mataperros me llamaron = si alguien pierde la reputación, es difícil recuperarla)
  • to go to the dog = (an organization) become less efficient
    (echarse a perder, volverse menos eficiente)
  • to let sleeping dogs lie = to let it be quiet
    (dejar todo como está, no crear más problemas de los necesarios)
  • to make a dog's breakfast of something = to do something very badly
    (hacer algo muy mal)
  • not to stand/have a dog's chance = to have no chance at all
    (no tener la más remota posibilidad)
  • to work like a dog = to work a lot
    (trabajar como un perro = trabajar mucho)
  • to treat somebody like a dog = to treat somebody with no respect at all
    (tratar a alguien como un perro = tratar mal, ofender, no respetar a alguien)
  • to die like a dog = to die in misery, with no honour nor dignity
    (morir como un perro = en la miseria, sin honor ni dignidad)
  • to be a dog in the manger = to be mean or jealous
    (ser el perro del hortelano = ser malvado o envidioso)
  • dog eat dog = (adj) when people compete against each other and do anything to get what they want; a dog eat dog world/situation.
    (cuando las personas compiten entre sí y hacen lo que sea para conseguir algo)
  • the tail wagging the dog = situation in which a minor part of something controls the course of the whole
    (la cola moviendo al perro = una parte menor de algo controla al resto)
  • his bark is worse than his bite = someone is less dangerous than he appears
    (perro que ladra no muerde = alguien no es tan peligroso como parece)
  • barking dogs seldom/never bite = people who look aggressive are not really too bad
    (perros que ladran raramente/nunca muerden = alguien que parece agresivo no es tan malo)
  • to bark up the wrong tree = to ask a wrong person for something
    (ladrar al árbol equivocado = pedirle algo a la persona incorrecta)
  • you can't teach an old dog new tricks = it's difficult for an old person to change or do new things
    (no se puede enseñar trucos nuevos a un perro viejo = es difícil para una persona mayor cambiar o hacer cosas nuevas)
  • top dog = person who has the most power in a group
    (jefe, persona que tiene más poder en un grupo)
  • the underdog = a person or team that is weaker than the others, and is always expected to be unsuccessful
    (persona que lleva las de perder, que no es favorito)
  • it's raining cats and dogs = it's raining a lot
    (está lloviendo a cántaros = está lloviendo mucho)
  • doggy bag = small bag for taking home the food that is left over from a meal in a restaurant
    (bolsa para las sobras de comida en un restaurante)

We thank Marcela Bitetto (from Buenos Aires, Argentina) and Gabriel Mandrille (from Buenos Aires, Argentina) for their suggestions.

Choose the right answer.

1. I think you are very tired because you . You shouldn't worry so much.

2. Tom doesn't like computers, he's not very interested in them either. You know what they say... .

3. I'm poor and I have no job, but I don't care. I know that .

4. Ellen works hard everyday and at weekends she has to take care of her family. She never goes out, I think she has .

5. I know I'm a bit strange for you, but you want to be with me... So, .

6. Since the new boss took over, this firm .

7. Nelson hasn't study at all, he of passing this exam!

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