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English Exercises - Ejercicios de inglés
Fill in with the prepositions at, in, on.
Completa con las preposiciones at, in, on.

Puedes leer las explicaciones aquí: Cómo se usan las preposiciones at, in, on

Versión para imprimir

1. Paul and Laura arrived Control London Control 8.30 Control the morning.

2. I usually have lunch Control home and Control the afternoon I go to the office.

3. The kids have English classes Control Mondays.

4. Mary is Control Oxford right now. She will go to London Control a few weeks.

5. The Industrial Revolution started Control the 18th century.

6. We usually go camping Control June, but this year we decided to go Control the 4th of July.

7. There's a street festival Control London today, specifically ControlBaker Street.

8. I can't answer the phone now, I'm Control the cinema.

9. The meeting will take place Control Tuesday.

10. Tom was Control the bus for two hours until he arrived Control the bus station.

11. The next meeting will be Control August.

12. The party is Control Saturday.

13. They live Control a big house.

14. We're going to Spain Control the summer.

15. The concert starts Control 7 pm.


Indice de Ejercicios de Gramática:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11



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