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English Exercises - Ejercicios de inglés


Say or tell?

Fill in the blanks with say or tell. Don't forget to check the tense!
Versión para imprimir

1. Laura her friends that she was going to have a party on Saturday. Control

2. The teacher the class to look at the blackboard. Control

3. Bob and Carol they had already had dinner. Control

4. My friends me to have a good time on my holiday. Control

5. My father I was doing very well at school. Control

6. Her parents Susan that she had forgotten her bag. Control

7. Lisa she was happy with the presents we gave her. Control

8. I my dog to sit. Control

9. They they loved the Swiss Alps. Control

10. We John that this time it was his turn to clean up. Control

11. Did I my brother that the plane was arriving in London at 5? Control

12. Our neighbours they were moving away at the end of the month. Control

13. The children Ellen was the student of the year. Control

14. The children Ellen that she was the best student of the year. Control

15. The children to Ellen that she was the best student of the year. Control

16. We to our parents that we didn't want to go. Control

17. We our parents that we didn't want to go. Control

18. Carol she was angry with us. Control

19. Carol us she was angry. Control


We thank Lily Adamson (from Inca, Spain) for her contribution.



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