My next holidays
(Sent by Cristina Andres González, a student from Salamanca, Spain)
I'm going to talk about plans and arrangements. First of all, I'm going to speak about what I'm going to do this summer and then I'm going to explain my plans in the future.
Every summer I plan a journey to a foreign country and this year I have prepared a journey to London to for the Olympic Games.
Although I've been three times there, this year is special because I've never seen an event like that in my life and I love the Olympic Games, and also a friend of mine has gone to live to in London this year and I'm going to take advance the opportunity to meet her.
I've already prepared the flights, I've already booked the hostel. I think there will be a lot of people there on that those dates and it's going to be much more expensive so I have everything ready. And this time I would like to do an excursion to Cambridge because there are going to be sport events either there and in the river Thames.
Finally, I wanted to explain my future plans. I have been studying and practising to speak English well so I'm considering to go going to live in England. First, because it's a country where I've already been and I love it. And secondly, because I want to improve my English and I would like to have a chance to change my work. I have been thinking that I'm going to call my friend and ask her if I could stay in her house some days and then, I will look for a job.
Temas relacionados
Vocabulario: Lista de Verbos en inglés
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