zero | 0 |
one | 1 |
two | 2 |
three | 3 |
four | 4 |
five | 5 |
six | 6 |
seven | 7 |
eight | 8 |
nine | 9 |
ten | 10 |
eleven | 11 |
twelve | 12 |
thirteen | 13 |
fourteen | 14 |
fifteen | 15 |
sixteen | 16 |
seventeen | 17 |
eighteen | 18 |
nineteen | 19 |
twenty | 20 |
twenty-one | 21 |
twenty-two | 22 |
twenty-... | 2_ |
thirty | 30 |
thirty-one | 31 |
thirty-two | 32 |
thirty-... | 3_ |
forty | 40 |
forty-one | 41 |
forty-two | 42 |
forty-... | 4_ |
fifty | 50 |
fifty-one | 51 |
fifty-two | 52 |
fifty-... | 5_ |
sixty | 60 |
sixty-one | 61 |
sixty-two | 62 |
sixty-... | 6_ |
seventy | 70 |
seventy-one | 71 |
seventy-two | 72 |
seventy-... | 7_ |
eighty | 80 |
eighty-one | 81 |
eighty-two | 82 |
eighty-... | 8_ |
ninety | 90 |
ninety-one | 91 |
ninety-two | 92 |
ninety-... | 9_ |
one hundred | 100 |
one hundred and one | 101 |
one hundred and two | 102 |
one hundred and... | 1_ _ |
two hundred | 200 |
three hundred | 300 |
nine hundred and ninety-nine | 999 |
one thousand | 1000 |
two thousand | 2000 |
three thousand | 3000 |
... thousand | _000 |
one thousand, two hundred and thirty-four | 1234 |
nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine | 9999 |
ten thousand | 10 000 |
one million | 1 000 000 |
two million | 2 000 000 |
ten million | 10 000 000 |
one billion | 1 000 000 000 (mil millones) |
one trillion | 1 000 000 000 000 (un billón) |
Ver también: Números ordinales en inglés
Laura is three years old.
Laura tiene tres años de edad.
We close the store at eight.
Cerramos la tienda a las ocho.
A year has twelve months.
Un año tiene doce meses.
They rented a house fifteen kilometres south of London.
Alquilaron una casa a quince kilómetros al sur de Londres.
The Thirty Years' War was fought between 1618 and 1648.
La Guerra de los Treinta Años se combatió entre 1618 y 1648.
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves is a famous story.
Ali Baba y los Cuarente Ladrones es un cuento famoso.
There were around fift people at the bank.
Había alrededor de cincuenta personas en el banco.
This house was built seventy years ago.
Esta casa se contruyó hace setenta años.
The old computer screen displayed eighty characters per line.
La antigua pantalla de computadora mostraba ochenta caracteres por línea.
He was driving at ninety miles per hour.
Él conducía a noventa millas por hora.
This dress costs two hundred dollars.
Este vestido cuesta doscientos dólares.
We've driven five hundred miles to arrive here.
Hemos viajado quinientas millas para llegar hasta aquí.
The Thousand and One Nights is a collection of Arabic stories.
Las Mil y Una Noches es una colección de cuentos árabes.
The book sold more than a million copies.
Se vendieron más de un millón de copias del libro.
The final cost could be as much as two billion dollars.
El costo final podría alcanzar los dos mil millones de dólares.
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