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English Vocabulary - Vocabulario de inglés
American British Spanish
antenna aerial antena
apartment flat departamento
baggage luggage equipaje
cab taxi taxi
can tin lata
candy sweet caramelo
chips crisps papas fritas (en bolsa)
closet wardrobe armario
cookie biscuit galletita
corn maize maíz
cuff turn-up dobladillo del pantalón
diaper nappy pañal
drapes curtains cortinas
elevator lift ascensor
eraser rubber goma de borrar
fall autumn otoño
faucet tap grifo
fender bumper paragolpes
first floor ground floor planta baja
flashlight torch linterna
fries chips papas/patatas fritas (calientes)
garbage rubbish basura
garbage can dustbin tacho/cubo de basura
garbage collector dustman basurero
gas pedal accelerator acelerador
gasoline petrol gasolina
gear shift gear lever palanca de cambios
highway motorway autopista
hood bonnet capó
jello jelly gelatina
kerosene paraffin queroseno
license plate number plate patente
line queue cola, fila


mail post correo
movie film película
movie theater cinema cine
muffler silencer silenciador
odometer milometer contador de kilómetros
overalls dungarees jardinero, peto
pajamas pyjamas pijama
pants trousers pantalones
parking lot car park estacionamiento
period full stop punto
pinafore duster delantal
Scotch tape Sellotape cinta adhesiva
side mirror wing mirror espejo retrovisor lateral
sidewalk pavement acera
sneakers trainers zapatillas
soccer football fútbol
splash guard mudflap guardabarros
stove cooker cocina
subway underground metro
suspenders braces tiradores
tire tyre neumático
truck lorry camión
trunk boot baúl, maletero
undershirt vest camiseta
vacation holiday vacaciones
vest waistcoat chaleco
windshield windscreen parabrisas
windshield wiper windscreen wiper limpiaparabrisas
yard garden jardín
zip code postal code código postal
zipper zip cremallera

On our site, we identify words this way:
 US=American English UK=British English

We thank Alberto Acero (from Valencia, Spain) for his contribution.


We live in a small apartment.
We live in a small flat.
Vivimos en un pequeño departamento.

I need to buy diapers for the baby.
I need to buy nappies for the baby.

Necesito comprar pañales para el bebé.

The elevator is not working.
The lift is not working.

El ascensor no funciona.

FaucetMake sure you turn the faucet off all the way after washing your hands.
Make sure you turn the tap off all the way after washing your hands.

Asegúrate de cerrar bien el grifo después de lavarte las manos.

The office is on the first floor.
The office is on the ground floor.
La oficina está en la planta baja.

Garbage canPlease throw the garbage in the garbage can.
Please throw the rubbish in the dustbin.
Por favor tira la basura en el cubo de basura.

They ran out of gasoline and the car stopped in the middle of the highway.
They ran out of petrol and the car stopped in the middle of the motorway.

Se quedaron sin gasolina y el coche se detuvo en el medio de la autopista.

There was long line at the entrance of the movie theater.
There was long queue at the entrance of the cinema.

Había una fila larga en la entrada del cine.

I need some Scotch tape to stick these papers together.
I need some Sellotape to stick these papers together.
Necesito un poco de cinta ahesiva para pegar estos papeles.

SneakersI'd like to buy a pair of sneakers.
I'd like to buy a pair of trainers.
Quisiera comprar un par de zapatillas.

Fortunately he had a spare tire in the trunk.
Fortunately he had a spare tyre in the boot.
Por suerte tenía una rueda de repuesto en el maletero.

He was wearing an undershirt and a pair of pants.
He was wearing a vest and a pair of trousers.

Llevaba puesta una camiseta y un par de pantalones.

Windshield wiperIt's raining too much, you should turn on the windshield wiper.
It's raining too much, you should turn on the windscreen wiper.

Está lloviendo demasiado, deberías encender el limpiaparabrisas.

What's your zip code?
What's your postal code?

¿Cuál es tu código postal?

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