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Listening Comprehension - Comprensión Auditiva

Cómo realizar este ejercicio de comprensión auditiva

- Siempre encontrarás una pequeña introducción, que puede ayudarte a comprender el tema tratado.

- En los textos presentados se han ocultado algunas palabras, que deberás escribir en los casilleros correspondientes. A medida que lees el texto, escucha el audio con atención para descubrir dichas palabras.

- Quizás puedes deducir las palabras sin necesidad de escuchar el audio. Pero, pon atención al audio para confirmar si realmente se trata de la respuesta correcta.

- Puedes escuchar el audio cuantas veces sea necesario. Pero es recomendable hacerlo solamente dos veces (o tres veces como máximo) ya que esa es la forma en que normalmente se realizan estos ejercicios en exámenes y pruebas internacionales.

- Comprueba tus aciertos pulsando el botón "Corregir". Si no has podido completar todas las palabras, pulsa el botón "Solución" para ver cuáles eran las que te faltaban.

Want to Go 'Resorting'?
Topic: A gussied-up old seaside town in New Jersey is one option. Transcript of radio broadcast. Source: VOA

Listen to the audio clip and fill in the blanks.

Spring is just days away in the Northern Hemisphere. That means the people of quaint Cape May, New Jersey, may already be busy, Control their sumptuous homes in preparation for the annual rush of beach-loving guests.

This town of 4,000 people, whose numbers Control to 40,000 in the summertime, lies on the tip of a little peninsula that sticks out into the mouth of the Delaware Bay.

Sea captains on the way up the Delaware River to Philadelphia would stop at Cape May to pick up pilots who knew the bay's treacherous Control and currents. Many ship's captains fell in love with the town and built homes there.

Even before the American Revolution of the late Control, Cape May merchants advertised in Philadelphia newspapers, inviting people to resort in Cape May.

America's first seaside resort also became a cool summertime retreat for wealthy Control from the American South. That's why you see columned mansions there.

And plenty of stately, English-style Victorian houses and grand old hotels, too. In fact, Cape May now Control the single greatest concentration of late-19th Century architecture in the world! More Victorian homes, even, than you'll find in any one place in England.

Cape May is also famous for its brightly painted gingerbread Control — gingerbread meaning fancy wooden decorations from the time when people in town had a saying: Decorate everything, including the decoration!

You might wonder how such treasures survived the Control, fires, and recessions that have surely battered the area — and indeed they have.

The answer is that despite appearances, Cape May is not a wealthy town. People have not had a lot of money to Control the old homes and build new ones. So now Cape May — all of it, not just a neighborhood or two — is preserved as a historic district, the first ever designated in America.


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That's curious!
SandwichLa palabra sandwich proviene del diplomático inglés John Montagu, cuarto conde de Sandwich. Era un jugador compulsivo y para evitar tener que detener el juego para comer, ordenaba que le trajeran su comida para no perder tanto tiempo. Sus sirvientes le traían fiambre entre dos rebanadas de pan.

Descubre el origen de las palabras en
The Story behind the Words




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