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English Vocabulary - Vocabulario de inglés


¿Qué es un idiom?
Un "idiom" o "idiomatic expression" es una frase idiomática utilizada en lenguaje coloquial informal.

En general, el significado de la frase es diferente al significado normal de cada palabra por separado. Por ejemplo, "to let the cat out of the bag" significa "revelar un secreto". Si traducimos palabra por palabra, sería "dejar salir al gato de la bolsa", lo cual es incorrecto.

La dificultad para los estudiantes de inglés es que no pueden traducirse literalmente y deben aprenderse de memoria. Pero en algunos casos existen equivalentes similares en español.

Hemos reunido aquí una lista de las expresiones idiomáticas más comunes en que se utilizan dos palabras unidas por "and".


  • bag and baggage = with all your possessions.
    Mary got tired of living with her boyfriend so she decided to move, bag and baggage.
  • bits and pieces = small things.
    I didn't hear everything he said, just some bits and pieces.
  • body and soul = physical and mental energy.
    Jim loves learning a new language, he puts body and soul into it.
  • bread and butter = way of earning money to live.
    Thomas doesn't have much money, he earns his bread and butter as a teacher.
  • bricks and mortar = property, buildings.
    If you want to invest your money, I would advise you to put it into bricks and mortar.
  • give and take = compromise.
    We can reach an agreement with a bit of give and take from both sides.
  • hustle and bustle = hurried activity.
    I don't like living in the city centre, it's all hustle and bustle.
  • ifs and buts = excuses.
    No ifs and buts, just finish your homework and then you can go to play with the computer.
  • odds and ends = small things.
    I've almost finished this work, but there are still some odds and ends I have to deal with.
  • part and parcel = part.
    All those information programmes on TV are part and parcel of a campaign to destabilize the new government.
  • rack and ruin = in bad conditions.
    This is a nice neighbourhood, but it's a shame that these old buildings are going rack and ruin.
  • stuff and nonsense = foolish things.
    Oh, no, he was not fired! That's all stuff and nonsense!
  • touch and go = close to success and failure at the same time.
    After the accident, he's in a critical situation, the doctor said it's touch and go.
  • ups and downs = good and bad moments.
    Don't panic, in a married couple there are always ups and downs.
  • wear and tear = deterioration.
    Go change those clothes! Those can't stand any more wear and tear!

Choose the right answer.

1. In every relationship there's some .

2. Before I leave, let me get all my .

3. Working irregular hours is all of being a doctor.

4. Sheila doesn't have much on his desk, just a few .

5. It was whether the ambulance would get there on time.

6. The old house was left to go to .

7. Before you leave, please check all your equipment for .

8. They threw her out of the house, .

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