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English Vocabulary - Vocabulario de inglés
¿Qué es un idiom?
Un "idiom" o "idiomatic expression" es una frase idiomática utilizada en lenguaje coloquial informal.

En general, el significado de la frase en sí es diferente al significado normal de cada palabra por separado. Por ejemplo, "to let the cat out of the bag" significa "revelar un secreto". Si traducimos palabra por palabra, sería "dejar salir al gato de la bolsa", lo cual es incorrecto.

La dificultad para los estudiantes de inglés radica en que no pueden traducirse literalmente y deben aprenderse de memoria, aunque en algunos casos existen equivalentes muy similares en el idioma español.

Lee las explicaciones y luego realiza el ejercicio.

  • to bear fruit = (a plan, a decision, etc) to be successful, especially after a long time.
    His investment eventually bore fruit.
  • the fruit of one's labour = the results of one's hard work.
    I'm looking forward to retirement and having time to enjoy the fruits of my labour.
  • Appleto be the apple of somebody's eyes = to be loved very much by somebody.
    Laura was always the apple of her father's eye.
  • to be as American as apple pie = be typically American.
    Blue jeans are as American as apple pie.
  • Adam's apple = the lump at the front of the neck mostly seen at men, that moves when talking or swallowing.
    When he talks, I can see his Adam's apple moving.
  • the Big Apple = term used to refer to New York City.
    We were in the Big Apple for Christmas.
  • a rotten apple = a bad person that has a bad effect on the rest of the group.
    There's always a rotten apple in every organization.
  • apple polisher = somebody who tries to gain something by flattering or praising somebody, without being sincere.
    She started to praise the director's project because in fact, she wanted a day off at work. She's just an apple polisher.
  • to compare apples to oranges = compare things that are completely different.
    This new video camera has nothing to do with the old models. It's like comparing apples to oranges.
  • the apple doesn't fall far from the tree = (US) used to say that children are usually similar to their parents.
    Tim is a very restless child. In fact, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
  • to upset the apple cart = do something that spoils somebody's plans. Story
    We were having a party in the garden, but the storm upset the apple cart.
  • An apple a day keeps the doctor away = (proverb) apples are so healthy that if you eat one every day, you will never need to visit the doctor.
    Our grandmother would always give us apple for dessert. She was convinced that an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
  • to go bananas = become very angry or excited.
    My father went bananas when I said I wanted to leave university.
  • a second bite of the cherry = (UK) a second chance to do something.
    I failed the exam, but I will get a second bite of the cherry next month.
  • sour grapes = something that you really want but you can't have, and so you say that you don't want it.
    When her friend bought a new car, she told him she didn't like it. But in fact, that was just sour grapes.
  • a lemon = a silly person.
    Thomas behaved like a real lemon at the party last night.
  • a lemon = (US) something useless because it doesn't work properly.
    He soon realized that the new car was a lemon.
  • a real peach = (US) something/somebody that is nice or good.
    You should read this book, it's a real peach.


Choose the right answer.

1. Her mother when she said she wanted to go to Europe for a year.

2. His project started to and he earned a lot of money in the first month.

3. That wasn't a great job, and that's not just because I was rejected at the interview.

4. This year we spent our vacations in .

5. She wants to change the date of the meeting, but that would .

6. My father retired and now he can enjoy .

7. Donuts are .

8. He didn't get a medal on the first race, but he can still get on the second one.

9. Do you still believe him? Don't be such .

10. Don't believe in his flatteries. He's just an .

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That's curious!
SandwichThe word sandwich comes from the English diplomat John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich. He was such a compulsive gambler that to avoid stopping the game to eat, he would order that this kind of food was brought to his table so as not to waste too much time.

Descubre el origen de las palabras en
The Story behind the Words




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