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English Vocabulary - Vocabulario de inglés


¿Qué es un idiom?
Un "idiom" o "idiomatic expression" es una frase idiomática utilizada en lenguaje coloquial informal.

En general, el significado de la frase es diferente al significado normal de cada palabra por separado. Por ejemplo, "to let the cat out of the bag" significa "revelar un secreto". Si traducimos palabra por palabra, sería "dejar salir al gato de la bolsa", lo cual es incorrecto.

La dificultad para los estudiantes de inglés es que no pueden traducirse literalmente y deben aprenderse de memoria. Pero en algunos casos existen equivalentes similares en español.

  • gravy train = an activity from which people can make money without much effort.
    Privatization isn't usually the gravy train that the government promises.
  • a good egga good egg = a good trustworthy person.
    You can trust Mary, she's a good egg.
  • hard-boiled = tough, not showing any emotions.
    My boss is really hard-boiled. He's impossible to fool.
  • fishy = suspicious.
    I think that man's behaviour is a bit fishy. Call the police, please.
  • money for jam = money earned from a task that is very easy.
    Mark has a very easy job. In fact, it's money for jam.
  • salt-and-pepper = hair that is becoming grey.
    Some women like men with salt-and-pepper hair. They think it looks distinguished.
  • easy as pie = very easy.
    Learning English is easy as pie.
  • in a stew = confused or worried about a difficult situation.
    When David's girlfriend was late, he got into a stew.
  • to be in the soup = to be in trouble.
    When Harry lost his job, he was really in the soup.
  • to be in a pickle = be in a difficult situation and not know what to do.
    When Mark lost his passport, he was in a be packed like sardines
  • to be packed like sardines = be crowded tightly together in a small space.
    People on the evening train are packed like sardines.
  • to beef up something = improve something, add force to something.
    The green party needs to beef the campaign up.
  • to get a roasting = to be told off for something wrong.
    The player got a roasting from angry fans.
  • to make a hash of something = make a mess of something, do something very badly.
    Fred made a real hash of his exams.

We thank Francis Dixon-Clarke (from Sao Paulo, Brazil) for his contribution.

Choose the right answer.

1. I don't understand what is going on here. This is a bit .

2. You are only 28 and you already have  hair!

3. The new school director is . He never even smiles.

4. Using the Internet is .

5. The passengers on the underground trains are always during the rush hour.

6. All you have to do in your job is push some buttons. That's quite easy, in fact it's .

7. When the teacher caught him cheating, he .

8. All the team from the coach.

9. The new employee didn't understand what he had to do and he of the sales figures.

10. When Sheila noticed that she had lost her documents, she got .


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That's curious!
La palabra cardigan se usa para nombrar un suéter tejido, con botones al frente. Proviene de James Thomas Brudenell, séptimo conde de Cardigan. Soldados británicos usaron esta prenda por primera vez durante el frío invierno de Crimea. En esa oportunidad, el conde lideraba la brigada llamada Light Brigade en la guerra de Crimea en 1854.

Descubre el origen de las palabras en
The Story behind the Words




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