A palindrome is a word, phrase or sentence that reads the same backwards as forwards. For example, the word level is a palindrome. The shortest palindromic words in English are nun, ewe and pip, among others. The longest is redivider. Other palindromes are:
God! A dog!
Dennis sinned.
Dennis and Edna sinned.
Dennis, Nell, Edna, Leon, Noel and Ellen sinned.
Don't nod.
Party trap.
Poor troop.
Sleep, eels.
Panic? I nap.
Sex of foxes.
Mutual autum.
Sad? I'm Midas.
Step on no pets.
Too hot to hoot.
Live not on evil.
Cigar: too tragic.
Reward a drawer.
Rewards, drawer.
Boss uses us. Sob.
Madam, I'm Adam.
Do geese see God?
Same nice cinemas.
Never odd or even.
Pull up if I pull up.
Evasion? No, I save.
Name no one, man.
Nightlife, filth, gin.
No, it is opposition.
Naif: forever off, Ian.
Mood: I fix if I doom.
Too bad, I hid a boot.
Evil as it is, it is alive.
Set a hand, Edna hates.
God! An owl won a dog.
Rats live on no evil star.
Tie no devil, I've done it.
Able was I ere I saw Elba. (said by Napoleon)
Was it Elliot's toilet I saw?
Was it a car or a cat I saw?
Devil, we fall... a few lived.
Yaw. A welfare era flew away.
Deep: Stoned, I ride, not speed.
May a moody baby doom a yam.
A man, a plan, a canal - Panama.
Some men interpret nine memos.
Draw. Deep, I pass a pipe, Edward.
Emit. Dab a tide, I edit a bad time.
Sit ill. It's sadness' end as still it is.
Go hang a salami, I'm a lasagna hog!
No will. A few say as we fall. I won.
Worse. Portray a day, art. Ropes row.
Sore. Sign it, lovers, revolting is Eros.
A Toyota! Race fast. Safe car: a Toyota.
Dip are most leftists. It felt some rapid.
Marge lets Norah see Sharon's telegram.
Now, I went on, sit. It is not new, I won.
Red. No wine, modernists in red. Omen? I wonder.
Live. One sure paper as wall. Laws are paper, use no evil.
Doc, note. I dissent. A fast never prevents a fatness. I diet on cod.
Al, Ema, Pat, Irene, Gregory or Sue, Zoe, Lana, David, Allen, Aimee, Lulu, Lee, Mia, Nell, a Diva, Dana, Leo, Zeus, Roy, Roger, Gene, Rita, Pamela.
(Extracted from the Guinness Book of Words)
Of course, the more letters you use, the more difficult they are to form. Can you think of any other?
We thank Laura Iñón (from Buenos Aires, Argentina), Juan Fernando Vergara (from Medellín, Colombia) and Everardo Chacón Mathieu (from Guadalajara, Mexico) for their suggestions.
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