Recursos para estudiantes de inglés de todos los niveles, profesores y traductores. Para aprender o mejorar tu inglés en forma divertida.

English Vocabulary - Vocabulario de inglés



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Ejercicios y Práctica

Level of this activity: Easy
Dictation - Parts of a car - Easy
Flashcards - Parts of a car - Easy
Hangman - Parts of a car - Easy
Word Search - Parts of a car - Easy
Word Match - Parts of the car - Easy Nuevo juego
Memory Game - Parts of the car - Easy Nuevo juego

Level of this activity: Medium
Dictation - Parts of a car - Medium
Exercise - Parts of a car - Medium

Level of this activity: Difficult
Dictation - Parts of a car - Difficult
Exercise - Parts of a car - Difficult
Hangman - Parts of a car - Difficult
Word Search - Parts of a car - Difficult


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