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English Exercises - Ejercicios de inglés


Fill in the blanks with "is" or "are".

Completa los recuadros con "is" o "are".

Versión para imprimir

1. There Control a boy knocking at the door.

2. Excuse me, Control there a post-office near here?

3. There Control a very good restaurant near our house.

4. There Control many books in the local library.

5. How much milk Control there?

6. There Control not enough milk for everyone.

7. There Control many colours to choose from.

8. Control there enough chairs in the dining room?

9. Control there a hammer in our house?

10. Be careful, there Control a lot of ice on the road.

11. I think there Control a lot of people in the museum today.

12. Well, Control there any other options?


Indice de Ejercicios de Gramática:
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22



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