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Curso de Inglés para Turismo - Lesson 3

Temas de esta lección

En la Lectura de esta unidad el tema consiste en la facturación del equipaje en el aeropuerto, la elección del asiento en el avión y preguntas relacionadas al momento de viajar por este medio de transporte.

En cuanto al Vocabulario, veremos frases útiles para brindar información durante el proceso de facturación del equipaje. También podrás aprender palabras y expresiones relativas al aeropuerto, seguridad, migraciones y aduanas.

En la parte de Gramática, aprenderemos a expresar una necesidad en inglés con el verbo "need".

Finalmente, podrás practicar lo aprendido con la serie de Ejercicios interactivos de autoevaluación.


Exercise 4

Read the article and answer the questions.

Two Major US Airlines Win Merger Approval
Source: VOA News

Two major U.S. airlines have won approval to merge. United Airlines is to purchase Continental Airlines to create the world's largest air carrier.
In order for the merger to overcome anti-trust concerns, rival Southwest Airlines had to be given take-off and landing rights at the international airport in Newark, New Jersey - just outside New York City. The airport is a key Continental Airlines hub.
Shareholders are scheduled to meet September 17 to approve the deal. This is the first major airline merger in the United States since 2008 when Delta Airlines acquired Northwest. Government approval followed an antitrust review by the U.S. Justice Department.
The merger is expected to be completed by October 1.


Questions about the text

1. The article is about
a new airline that will be created.
the joining of two companies.
new measures at Newark airport.

 2. Continental will be purchased by United Airlines.
It's not said on the text.

 3. Newark airport is now only used by Continental Airlines.
It's not said on the text.

 4. This is the first major airline merger in the United States.
It's not said on the text.

 5. The merger will be approved by the Justice Department.
It's not said on the text.

Ejercicio de vocabulario
Ejercicio de
comprensión auditiva

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