Temas de esta lección
En la Lectura de esta unidad el tema consiste en seguir los pasos de una receta de cocina.
En cuanto al Vocabulario, aprenderás palabras y frases útiles relacionadas con la cocina. Haremos un listado con los verbos que expresan las diferentes acciones realizadas al preparar o cocinar un plato. También veremos cómo se dicen en inglés los electrodomésticos y utensilios de cocina más habituales.
En la parte de Gramática, explicaremos cómo se forma la voz pasiva y sus diferentes usos.
Finalmente, podrás practicar lo aprendido con la serie de Ejercicios interactivos de autoevaluación.
Cooking dinner
First of all, put some water to boil in a pot. Once water is boiling, salt is added and the spaghetti are put into the pot. They will be cooked in ten minutes.
In the meantime, you can prepare the sauce. Two tomatoes and one green pepper are cut into small pieces. Then, one onion is peeled and cut into slices. Put some oil into a frying pan and put all these ingredients inside. Stir slowly.
When the spaghetti are ready, a strainer is used to let out the water. The spaghetti are then put into the frying pan. Stir slowly. The spaghetti and the sauce are ready to be served.
Language Focus
to cook | cocinar |
first of all | primero de todo |
pot | olla |
to boil | hervir |
once | una vez que |
salt is added | se agrega sal. Esta es la voz pasiva que aprenderá en esta lección. |
the spaghetti are put | se colocan los spaghetti |
they will be cooked | ellos estarán cocidos |
in the meantime | mientras tanto |
sauce | salsa |
two tomatoes and one green pepper are cut | se cortan dos tomates y un pimiento verde |
into small pieces | en pedacitos |
one onion is peeled | se pela una cebolla |
oil | aceite |
frying pan | sartén |
ingredients | ingredientes |
to stir | revolver |
slowly | lentamente |
strainer | colador |
is used | es utilizado |
to let out | sacar |
to be served | para ser servidos |
Comprehension Questions
Answer the following questions about the text.1. What do you do first to cook spaghetti?
2. What do you do once water is boling?
3. When will the spaghetti be cooked?
4. How many tomatoes are needed to prepare the sauce?
5. What do you do with the onion?
6. What is used to let out the water from the spaghetti?
7. What do you do with the spaghetti after that?
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