Vocabulary - Vocabulario de inglés
¿Qué es un phrasal verb?
Un "phrasal verb" es un verbo seguido de una preposición o un adverbio. Su significado es diferente al significado normal de dicho verbo. Por ejemplo, "to give up" significa "abandonar, rendirse". El verbo "to give" usado solo significa "dar".
Si el "phrasal verb" va seguido de un objeto, es transitivo, como "to give up something" (dejar de hacer algo). Si no va seguido de un objeto, es intransitivo, como "to break down" (dejar de funcionar).
La dificultad para los estudiantes de inglés radica en que no pueden traducirse literalmente y deben aprenderse de memoria.
Lee las explicaciones y luego realiza el ejercicio.
- break out = start.
I was in Berlin when the war broke out.
- break out of something = escape from a place.
Two prisoners have managed to break out of the jail.
- get out = leave a room or building.
She usually gets out by 6 o'clock.
- get out of = leave a place or escape from a place.
Some birds managed to get out of the cage.
- get out of something = avoid doing something that you have promised
to do.
Kids always try to get out of tidying their room.
- give out = stop working properly, become weaker.
After running for one hour, her legs finally gave out.
- give something out = give out something = give something to each
person in a group = hand out.
Please give the copies out.
- give out something = produce a light, heat or a signal, emit.
The lamp gave out a yellowish light.
- make something out = make out something = be able to see or hear
She could just make out a shape approaching in the dark.
- make something out = make out something = understand something.
She couldn't make out what had happened.
- make somebody out = make out somebody = understand somebody's
She's a strange girl, nobody can make her out.
- make something out of somebody/something = change a person or thing
into something else.
The World Cup can make heroes out of unknown players.
- run out of something = use all of something.
Dear, we have run out of sugar!
Choose the right answer.
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