Vocabulary - Vocabulario de inglés
¿Qué es un phrasal verb?
Un "phrasal verb" es un verbo seguido de una preposición o un adverbio. Su significado es diferente al significado normal de dicho verbo. Por ejemplo, "to give up" significa "abandonar, rendirse". El verbo "to give" usado solo significa "dar".
Si el "phrasal verb" va seguido de un objeto, es transitivo, como "to give up something" (dejar de hacer algo). Si no va seguido de un objeto, es intransitivo, como "to break down" (dejar de funcionar).
La dificultad para los estudiantes de inglés radica en que no pueden traducirse literalmente y deben aprenderse de memoria.
Lee las explicaciones y luego realiza el ejercicio.
- break in = break into = enter a building by using force, to
steal something.
The thief broke in and stole the new TV.
- bring something in = bring in something = introduce something.
The Congress brought in a new law on foreign trade.
- bring something in = bring in something = earn a particular amount of
The sale of the car brought in about $10,000.
- fill something in = fill in something = write all the necessary
information on a form, document, etc.
Please fill in the application form.
- fill somebody in = fill in somebody = tell somebody about recent
You have to fill me in about what's been happening at the office.
- fill in for somebody = do somebody's job because he's not there.
You will have to fill in for Paul while he's on holiday.
- get in = enter a place, especially when this is difficult.
He managed to get in through a window.
- give in = accept that you are defeated, surrender.
The enemy was forced to give in.
- give something in = give in something = give something to someone in
authority = hand in.
Students must give in their assignments next week.
- kick in = begin to have an effect.
The painkiller kicked in and she began to feel better.
- take something in = take in something = understand, absorb something
I'm reading this essay but I can't take it in.
- take somebody in = take in somebody = deceive somebody.
Don't be taken in by street vendors.
- take somebody in = take in somebody = let somebody stay in your house.
She's always taking in stray cats.
Choose the right answer.
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