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English Vocabulary - Vocabulario de inglés


¿Qué es un phrasal verb?
Un "phrasal verb" es un verbo seguido de una preposición o un adverbio. Su significado es diferente al significado normal de dicho verbo. Por ejemplo, "to give up" significa "abandonar, rendirse". El verbo "to give" usado solo significa "dar".

Si el "phrasal verb" va seguido de un objeto, es transitivo, como "to give up something" (dejar de hacer algo). Si no va seguido de un objeto, es intransitivo, como "to break down" (dejar de funcionar).

La dificultad para los estudiantes de inglés radica en que no pueden traducirse literalmente y deben aprenderse de memoria.

Lee las explicaciones y luego realiza el ejercicio.

  • give something away = give away something = give something because you do not want or need it.
    She gave her old clothes away when she moved.
  • give something away = give away something = tell something secret.
    He doesn't want to give away how the system works.
  • give somebody away = show where somebody is or what they are doing, when they are trying to keep this a secret.
    Peter looked down, but his voice gave him away.
  • give in = accept that you are defeated, surrender.
    The enemy was forced to give in.
  • give something in = give in something = give something to someone in authority = hand in.
    Students must give in their assignments next week.
  • give off something = produce a smell, heat, sound, etc.
    The walls gave off a smell of paint for a week.
  • give onto something = lead to a place.
    The balcony gives onto the swimming pool.
  • give out = stop working properly, become weaker.
    After running for one hour, her legs finally gave out.
  • give something out = give out something = give something to each person in a group = hand out.
    Please give the copies out.
  • give out something = produce a light, heat or a signal, emit.
    The lamp gave out a yellowish light.
  • give over = stop doing something that is annoying other people.
    Come on, give over complaining!
  • give something over to somebody = give responsibility for something to somebody.
    The organisation of the meeting was given over to the secretary.
  • give up = stop trying to do something, surrender.
    I give up. What's the answer?
  • give up something = give something up = stop doing something.
    Laura has decided to give up her piano lessons.
  • give up something = give something up = give something that is yours to somebody else.
    The kid gave up his seat to the old lady.
  • give somebody up = allow somebody to be caught by the police.
    As he noticed that he was surrounded, he thief gave himself up.
  • give somebody up = give up somebody = end a romantic relationship with somebody.
    After five years together, she eventually gave him up.


Choose the right answer.

1. After typing all day, my fingers gave .

2. You shouldn't so easily.

3. The old TV is giving a bad smell.

4. The teacher the exams.

5. When he finished school, he gave all his books.

6. I knew that if I moved I would give myself .

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