- give something away = give away something = give something because
you do not want or need it.
She gave her old clothes away when she moved.
- give something away = give away something = tell something secret.
He doesn't want to give away how the system works.
- give somebody away = show where somebody is or what they are doing,
when they are trying to keep this a secret.
Peter looked down, but his voice gave him away.
- give in = accept that you are defeated, surrender.
The enemy was forced to give in.
- give something in = give in something = give something to someone in
authority = hand in.
Students must give in their assignments next week.
- give off something = produce a smell, heat, sound, etc.
The walls gave off a smell of paint for a week.
- give onto something = lead to a place.
The balcony gives onto the swimming pool.
- give out = stop working properly, become weaker.
After running for one hour, her legs finally gave out.
- give something out = give out something = give something to each
person in a group = hand out.
Please give the copies out.
- give out something = produce a light, heat or a signal, emit.
The lamp gave out a yellowish light.
- give over = stop doing something that is annoying other people.
Come on, give over complaining!
- give something over to somebody = give responsibility for something
to somebody.
The organisation of the meeting was given over to the secretary.
- give up = stop trying to do something, surrender.
I give up. What's the answer?
- give up something = give something up = stop doing something.
Laura has decided to give up her piano lessons.
- give up something = give something up = give something that is yours
to somebody else.
The kid gave up his seat to the old lady.
- give somebody up = allow somebody to be caught by the police.
As he noticed that he was surrounded, he thief gave himself up.
- give somebody up = give up somebody = end a romantic relationship
with somebody.
After five years together, she eventually gave him up.
Choose the right answer.

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