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English Vocabulary - Vocabulario de inglés


¿Qué es un idiom?
Un "idiom" o "idiomatic expression" es una frase idiomática utilizada en lenguaje coloquial informal.

En general, el significado de la frase en sí es diferente al significado normal de cada palabra por separado. Por ejemplo, "to let the cat out of the bag" significa "revelar un secreto". Si traducimos palabra por palabra, sería "dejar salir al gato de la bolsa", lo cual es incorrecto.

La dificultad para los estudiantes de inglés radica en que no pueden traducirse literalmente y deben aprenderse de memoria, aunque en algunos casos existen equivalentes muy similares en el idioma español.

Lee las explicaciones y luego realiza el ejercicio.

Idioms with FISH

  • Pezlike a fish out of water = strange, different to the rest = como sapo de otro pozo
  • like a fish in muddy/troubled waters = in confused subjects
  • a big fish (in a little pond) = an important person (in a small comunity or a restricted situation)
  • an odd fish = an eccentric person
  • to dream like fish = to dream a lot
  • to drink like a fish = to drink a lot of alcohol
  • to have bigger/other fish to fry = to have something more important to do
  • neither fish, flesh nor good red herring = too ambiguous
  • there are (plenty of) other fish in the sea = there are (many) other people/things


Choose the right answer.

1. I'm sorry, dear. I can't listen to your story, I .

2. John's brother is a bit of . He's never gone out of his house for years.

3. Sam is always giving me orders, he thinks he is .

4. Being the only man here, I feel .

5. She's a little confused about the situation. She's .

6. Laura had a terrible dream yesterday. She really .

7. I know you love him, but he doesn't love you! Come on, don't worry, .

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