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Soap opera

This word refers to melodramatic TV series or radio stories about the daily lives and relationships of a group of people. The word originated in 1939 and they are called like that because the sponsors were soap companies, like Procter and Gamble. As most of these series were broadcast during the day, the audience was composed mainly of housewives. That's why soap companies were interested in sponsoring them.

Esta palabra se refiere a las series televisivas melodramáticas o historias radiales sobre la vida diaria y las relaciones de un grupo de personas. La palabra tuvo origen en 1939 y se llamaban así porque los auspiciantes eran fabricantes de jabón, como Procter & Gamble. Como la mayoría de estas series se transmitían durante el día, la audiencia estaba compuesta principalmente por amas de casa. Por eso, las compañías fabricantes de jabón estaban interesadas en auspiciarlas.

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