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That's curious! - Curiosidades del inglés



DollarThe name of the US currency comes from the early 16th century. In those times, silver coins were minted from metal obtained from St Joachimsthal, in Bohemia. They were first named joachimsthalers, which was then shortened to thalers. With the passing of time, it became known as taler and daler through Europe. Finally, in America it was translated as dollar at the end of the 18th century, when it became the official currency of this country.

La palabra usada para denominar a la moneda norteamericana proviene del siglo XVI. En aquellos tiempos, las monedas de plata se acuñaban con un metal obtenido de St Joachimsthal, en Bohemia. Al principio, eran llamadas joachimsthalers, que luego fue acortado a thalers. Con el transcurso del tiempo, se pasó a llamar taler y daler en Europa. Finalmente, en Estados Unidos se tradujo como dollar al comienzos del siglo XVIII, cuando pasó a ser la moneda oficial de dicho país.

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