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English & TV - Aprender inglés con series de TV
Learn with LOIS & CLARK

En esta parte, analizamos extractos de guiones de series de televisión para entender el uso del inglés cotidiano auténtico. Lee los fragmentos e intenta comprenderlos. Luego, lee la explicación del vocabulario. Finalmente, vuelve a leer el texto.

Recomendaciones para aprender inglés
con series de TV

1. Observa una escena corta, retrocede y vuelve a mirarla para tratar de entenderla.

2. Si es posible, desactiva los subtítulos en español. Si no logras entender el diálogo, activa la opción "CC" (Closed Caption) en tu televisor para ver los subtítulos en inglés.

3. Intenta mirar capítulos de series que hayas visto. Dado que ya conoces la trama, podrás concentrarte más en el vocabulario y las expresiones usadas en las conversaciones.

4. Repite las frases que escuchas y si no entiendes algo, utiliza un diccionario.

5. Presta atención a la pronunciación y la entonación. De esta forma, entrenarás el oído para identificar las palabras y los diversos acentos, lo cual te ayudará a mejorar tu comprensión del inglés.

From the episode 'Ordinary People'

Learn English with Lois & Clark LOIS: I know you think I'm not thinking about it. Just because I'm not talking about it doesn't mean I'm not thinking about it.
CLARK: Lois, getting married is a big deal. I said I'd wait. I'll wait.
LOIS: I'm glad you understand.
CLARK: I mean, if I were the paranoid type, I might think you'd been avoiding the whole thing.
LOIS: Of course I haven't! Avoid it? No. Did you notice how lousy the cheese sandwiches are in this machine?
CLARK: What?
LOIS: I'm just saying you can't get a good cheese sandwich here. I'd kill for a piece of Camembert. The kind you get in France. Did you notice it's tough to get good Camembert outside of France?
CLARK: It's great you're not avoiding it.
to think about something pensar en algo. Las formas del pasado son thought, thought.
just because solamente porque
to get married casarse
bid deal algo muy importante
I'd wait esperaría
I'll wait esperaré
to be glad alegrarse
I mean quiero decir
if I were si yo fuera
I might think podría pensar
to avoid something evitar algo
the whole thing todo el asunto
to notice darse cuenta, fijarse, observar
lousy asqueroso
kind tipo, clase
tough duro, difícil


LOIS: Can I get back to work?
PERRY: Lois, I know you like a book. When things in your life get rough, you wrap yourself in work like it was gonna save you.
LOIS: Look, chief, I really have to draw the line here. I have a professional life and a personal life and... Clark asked me to marry him!
PERRY: What? Wouldn't you like to try dating first?
LOIS: But, see, I really love him.
PERRY: Then there's no problem!
LOIS: Yes, there is! Perry, have you ever thought someone was exactly right for you, and then found out something you never knew about them that could just wreck it all?
PERRY: Yes. After Alice and I were married, I found out her right leg was an inch shorter than her left.
to get back to something volver a hacer algo
rough duro, peligroso
to wrap oneself in something dedicarse solamente a algo
gonna Forma coloquial de going to (ir a)
to draw the line poner un límite, decir basta
to marry somebody casarse con alguien. Notar que en inglés no se utiliza preposición. En cambio, en la expresión to get married to somebody debe usarse la preposición to.
to try doing something Cuando se usa este verbo con el gerundio, significa "hacer una prueba, comprobar si algo es útil o eficaz". Have you tried using this shampoo? (¿Has probado usando este champú?)
to wreck something destrozar, arruinar algo
to find out descubrir
inch pulgada. Equivale a 2,54 centímetros. Para aprender a convertir medidas, ver Measures.
shorter  más corto. Para aprender a hacer comparaciones, ver Comparatives and superlatives.

 Do you know why I gave up my crush on Superman?

LOIS: Do you know why I gave up my crush on Superman? Because I realized he was a fantasy. Do you know why I fell in love with Clark? Because he's real. That's what I want.
LOIS: He's got problems, insecurities, hat hair... 
SUPERMAN: I do not!
LOIS: When I say to Clark I like the scent of tulips from Holland, that's not your cue to start taxiing down the runway. It just means Clark and I would figure out a way we could put aside the money to take a vacation together. Like normal couples.
to give up something dejar, abandonar algo
crush Palabra informal que significa "enamoramiento"
to realize darse cuenta
to fall in love with somebody enamorarse de alguien. Notar el uso de la preposición with. Las formas del pasado son fell, fallen.
hat hair cabello revuelto (por usar un sombrero)
scent fragancia, aroma
tulip tulipán
cue Usado en el teatro, se refiere al momento justo en que un actor debe comenzar su parte. Equivale al español "pie". La expresión to miss one's cue significa "no salir a escena en el momento debido".
taxiing carreteo del avión antes de despegar
runway pista de despegue/aterrizaje
to figure out something ingeniarse algo, pensar en algo
to put aside dejar a un lado, ahorrar
to take a vacation tomarse vacaciones
couple pareja



The scripts and the images are copyright.
They are used here for educational purposes only.

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