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English & TV - Aprender inglés con series de TV

En esta parte, analizamos extractos de guiones de series de televisión para entender el uso del inglés cotidiano auténtico. Lee los fragmentos e intenta comprenderlos. Luego, lee la explicación del vocabulario. Finalmente, vuelve a leer el texto.

Recomendaciones para aprender inglés
con series de TV

1. Observa una escena corta, retrocede y vuelve a mirarla para tratar de entenderla.

2. Si es posible, desactiva los subtítulos en español. Si no logras entender el diálogo, activa la opción "CC" (Closed Caption) en tu televisor para ver los subtítulos en inglés.

3. Intenta mirar capítulos de series que hayas visto. Dado que ya conoces la trama, podrás concentrarte más en el vocabulario y las expresiones usadas en las conversaciones.

4. Repite las frases que escuchas y si no entiendes algo, utiliza un diccionario.

5. Presta atención a la pronunciación y la entonación. De esta forma, entrenarás el oído para identificar las palabras y los diversos acentos, lo cual te ayudará a mejorar tu comprensión del inglés.

From the episode 'Rescue'

Learn English with La Femme Nikita FRANKEL: They tell me the weapons factory was completely destroyed. This will be a tough one to explain to the council.
PETROSIAN: That is my problem, Frankel.
FRANKEL: Yes, it is.
PETROSIAN: There's still no sign of the man they left behind?
FRANKEL: Not yet.
PETROSIAN: I understood he was badly hurt.
FRANKEL: Yes, but look at the map. The terrain near the factory is full of ridges and gullies.
PETROSIAN: And excuses. I assume absolute secrecy has been maintained.
FRANKEL: Of course!
PETROSIAN: No leaks.
PETROSIAN: Then, create one. Make sure the west knows that one of their agents is loose and being hunted down.
weapon arma. Mass destruction weapon significa arma de destrucción masiva.
tough difícil. También significa duro: tough meat (carne dura), a tough guy (un tipo duro) 
sign señal, indicio
to leave somebody behind dejar a alguien atrás
ridge cresta de una colina
gully barranco
leak Literalmente, significa gotera. En este caso, se refiere a una filtración de información.
loose suelto
to hunt down somebody perseguir a alguien hasta atraparlo

You wanted to see me?

NIKITA: You wanted to see me?
OPERATIONS: I decided to accept your offer to bring Michael out.
OPERATIONS: We received information he's still alive and eluded capture. Given the time that's passed, that changes the odds.
NIKITA: But the odds still aren't good, are they?
NIKITA: So what changed your mind?
OPERATIONS: I want Michael back too, Nikita. I am human.
NIKITA: Of course you are.
OPERATIONS: You'll be teamed with Madeline and fly out tonight. In the meantime she'll brief you on the details of the mission. That will be all.
to bring somebody out sacar a alguien
to elude eludir
the odds las probabilidades
to be teamed formar un equipo
in the meantime mientras tanto
to brief on something informar sobre algo


MADELINE: What did you find out?
NIKITA: There is a terminal on this floor with only one nurse but the soldiers are going from room to room.
MADELINE: I'll deal with it.
NIKITA: You should rest.
MADELINE: We have to search the records quickly.
NIKITA: This was a set-up, wasn't it? You took a pill or something to induce the symptoms. You could have warned me.
MADELINE: Your reaction had to be convincing, Nikita.
NIKITA: You actually induced a heart attack, Madeline?
MADELINE: The doctors needed to be convinced, too. We're in. Now, let's make the most of it!
to find out averiguar, descubrir
to deal with something hacerse cargo de algo
to rest descansar
set-up trampa
to induce inducir, provocar
to be in estar adentro
to make the most of something aprovechar algo al máximo



The scripts and the images are copyright.
They are used here for educational purposes only.

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CancionesAprende inglés con las letras de tus canciones favoritas, con el análisis del vocabulario y la traducción al español. ¡Fácil y divertido!
Ingresa en English & Songs.


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Practicar Comprensión auditivaPractica comprensión auditiva (listening comprehension) con noticias de la actualidad.





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