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English & TV - Aprender inglés con series de TV

En esta parte, analizamos extractos de guiones de series de televisión para entender el uso del inglés cotidiano auténtico. Lee los fragmentos e intenta comprenderlos. Luego, lee la explicación del vocabulario. Finalmente, vuelve a leer el texto.

Recomendaciones para aprender inglés
con series de TV

1. Observa una escena corta, retrocede y vuelve a mirarla para tratar de entenderla.

2. Si es posible, desactiva los subtítulos en español. Si no logras entender el diálogo, activa la opción "CC" (Closed Caption) en tu televisor para ver los subtítulos en inglés.

3. Intenta mirar capítulos de series que hayas visto. Dado que ya conoces la trama, podrás concentrarte más en el vocabulario y las expresiones usadas en las conversaciones.

4. Repite las frases que escuchas y si no entiendes algo, utiliza un diccionario.

5. Presta atención a la pronunciación y la entonación. De esta forma, entrenarás el oído para identificar las palabras y los diversos acentos, lo cual te ayudará a mejorar tu comprensión del inglés.

From the episode 'Ah, but underneath'

Learn English with Desperate Housewives MIKE: What's wrong?
SUSAN: I didn't realize anyone was going to be out here, I just sort of rolled out of bed.
MIKE: I'm sure you look fine.
MIKE: Oh, Bongo, Bongo! Shhh.. Sorry, uh, he scares easy.
SUSAN: No, it's fine, I get it.
MIKE: I didn't mean to disturb you. I'll see you later.
SUSAN: D—do you want to have dinner with me?
MIKE: Just the two of us?
SUSAN: Er, well, and Julie. Uh, it's a thing we do when somebody new moves into the neighborhood, we invite them over for a home-cooked meal. Sort of a tradition.
MIKE: You said you were a lousy cook.
SUSAN: Well. I order takeout.
MIKE: Oh, you invite them over for a home-cooked meal and you order takeout.
SUSAN: Yeah, it's sort of a new tradition. I'm working out the kinks.
MIKE: I'll tell you what. How about I cook? And you guys come over to my place.
SUSAN: Oh. Great.
MIKE: Friday night at six?
SUSAN: I'll be there.
MIKE: Alright.
to realize darse cuenta. En inglés británico se escribe to realise.
sort of en cierto modo
to roll out of bed salir de la cama, levantarse
neighborhood barrio, vecindario. Neighbor significa vecino. En inglés británico se escriben neighbourhood y neighbour.
to invite somebody over invitar a alguien a casa
takeout comida para llevar
to work out the kinks buscarle la vuelta a algo, encontrar una solución a un pequeño problema

We're trying to move on. It's been pretty tough.

SUSAN: I hope I'm not interrupting.
PAUL: Actually, I was getting ready to go somewhere.
SUSAN: I just wanted to come by and say hello, you know, see how you guys are doing.
PAUL: We're trying to move on. It's been pretty tough.
SUSAN: I can only imagine. Not knowing why Mary Alice…
PAUL: Why what?
SUSAN: Why she did it. Oh! Let me help you.
PAUL: I've got it, I've got it.
SUSAN: Sorry if I upset you.
PAUL: Can I be frank?
SUSAN: Of course.
PAUL: I don't care what her reasons were. Maybe she was depressed, maybe she was bored. She abandoned her husband and her son. And I'll never forgive her.
actually en realidad, de hecho. No debe confundirse con actualmente, que se dice nowadays o at present.
to come by pasar de visita
to move on seguir adelante, progresar
tough duro, difícil
to upset somebody ofender, disgustar a alguien
to forgive somebody for something perdonar a alguien por algo


GABRIELLE: Oh, my God! Carlos, what have you done?
CARLOS: I saw it when I drove by the dealership. I thought, Gabrielle would look so beautiful in this.
CARLOS: It cost me an arm and a leg. It's got GPS navigation, 200-watt stereo system, rear parking sensors.
GABRIELLE: God, it's beautiful!
CARLOS: So, did I take your breath away?
GABRIELLE: Absolutely!
CARLOS: Is it the best gift you've ever gotten?
Oh, my God! Expresión frecuente en programas de TV y películas que equivale a "¡Dios mío!"
dealership concesionario
to cost costar. Notar que las formas del pasado permanecen igual: cost, cost.
to cost an arm and a leg costar muy caro. Equivale al español "costar un ojo de la cara".
to take somebody's breath away dejar boquiabierto a alguien
gotten participio pasado del verbo to get en inglés americano. La misma pregunta en inglés británico sería Is it the best gift you've ever got? 



The scripts and the images are copyright.
They are used here for educational purposes only.

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