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English & TV - Aprender inglés con series de TV
Learn with ONE TREE HILL

En esta parte, analizamos extractos de guiones de series de televisión para entender el uso del inglés cotidiano auténtico. Lee los fragmentos e intenta comprenderlos. Luego, lee la explicación del vocabulario. Finalmente, vuelve a leer el texto.

Recomendaciones para aprender inglés
con series de TV

1. Observa una escena corta, retrocede y vuelve a mirarla para tratar de entenderla.

2. Si es posible, desactiva los subtítulos en español. Si no logras entender el diálogo, activa la opción "CC" (Closed Caption) en tu televisor para ver los subtítulos en inglés.

3. Intenta mirar capítulos de series que hayas visto. Dado que ya conoces la trama, podrás concentrarte más en el vocabulario y las expresiones usadas en las conversaciones.

4. Repite las frases que escuchas y si no entiendes algo, utiliza un diccionario.

5. Presta atención a la pronunciación y la entonación. De esta forma, entrenarás el oído para identificar las palabras y los diversos acentos, lo cual te ayudará a mejorar tu comprensión del inglés.

From the episode 'How can you be sure?'

Learn English with One Tree Hill KEITH: Marry me.
KAREN: I don't know what to say.
KEITH: Well, yes would be a good start.
KAREN: It just seems so out of the blue.
KEITH: After 15 years? Look, Karen, when you left for Italy we had a future. We're still the same two people who stood at that airport. I was the man who was in love with you. And I still am.
KAREN: I love you too, Keith. You're my best friend. You've been a wonderful father figure for Lucas. But the time away, the distance, it gave me a new perspective.
KEITH: On us?
KAREN: On everything. Tree Hill is such a small part of the world. And maybe it's where I belong, but there's so much more out there. Italy was the first time since Lucas was born that I've spent any time alone. I realized I only know myself as Lucas' mother. I've got to find the rest of me. You mean the world to me, Keith. But I'm sorry. I can't marry you.
to marry somebody casarse con alguien
a good start un buen comienzo
out of the blue sorpresivo, inesperado
to be in love with somebody estar enamorado de alguien
time away tiempo mientras se está lejos 
to realize darse cuenta. En inglés británico se escribe to realise.


HALEY: Hey, you, wake up.
NATHAN: I didn't even hear you come in.
HALEY: Well, you didn't hear your alarm clock either.
NATHAN: That's because it didn't go off. Everybody gets up at six.
HALEY: Well, time to get up.
NATHAN: I am up. Come here.
HALEY: You want me to start your shower?
NATHAN: Uh, yeah. Thanks.
HALEY: Okay.
hey Interjección equivalente al español "ey"
to wake up despertarse. El opuesto es to fall asleep (dormirse).
either tampoco
to go off Referido a una alarma, significa sonar. Referido a una bomba, significa explotar. Referido a un alimento, significa pasarse, estropearse. Referido a la luz o a un aparato, significa apagarse.
to get up levantarse. El opuesto es to go to bed (irse a la cama).
to be up estar levantado

I love you, Haley. And it scares me a little bit, but there it is.

HALEY: Nathan, I know I'm driving you crazy.
NATHAN: No, you're not.
HALEY: Do you think that I'm a tease?
NATHAN: Stop it.
HALEY: Well, what do you think?
NATHAN: I think that you're my girlfriend, and I like to spend time with you. Look, I just don't want to push you.
HALEY: You're not.
NATHAN: But I am. Haley, you got a tattoo for God's sake! It just freaks me out a little bit, because obviously this whole thing with us means a lot to you. I just don't want to do anything to pressure you. Or drive you away. Even though sometimes I can't help it. Just like I can't help that I fell in love with you. Because I did. I love you, Haley. And it scares me a little bit, but there it is.
HALEY: Wow. There it is. I love you too.
to drive somebody crazy volver loco a alguien
a tease una persona provocativa
for God's sake! ¡Por Dios!
to freak out flipar, perder el control, echar humo, echar chispas, ponerse furioso
to drive somebody away alejar a alguien
I can't help it no puedo evitarlo
to fall in love with somebody enamorarse de alguien
to scare somebody asustar a alguien



The scripts and the images are copyright.
They are used here for educational purposes only.

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