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English & TV - Aprender inglés con series de TV

En esta parte, analizamos extractos de guiones de series de televisión para entender el uso del inglés cotidiano auténtico. Lee los fragmentos e intenta comprenderlos. Luego, lee la explicación del vocabulario. Finalmente, vuelve a leer el texto.

Recomendaciones para aprender inglés
con series de TV

1. Observa una escena corta, retrocede y vuelve a mirarla para tratar de entenderla.

2. Si es posible, desactiva los subtítulos en español. Si no logras entender el diálogo, activa la opción "CC" (Closed Caption) en tu televisor para ver los subtítulos en inglés.

3. Intenta mirar capítulos de series que hayas visto. Dado que ya conoces la trama, podrás concentrarte más en el vocabulario y las expresiones usadas en las conversaciones.

4. Repite las frases que escuchas y si no entiendes algo, utiliza un diccionario.

5. Presta atención a la pronunciación y la entonación. De esta forma, entrenarás el oído para identificar las palabras y los diversos acentos, lo cual te ayudará a mejorar tu comprensión del inglés.

From the episode 'Paris is burning'

Learn English with Gilmore GirlsSOOKIE: Ok, tea is ready. How are your feet?
LORELAI: I don't know. They stopped talking to me.
SOOKIE: What on earth were you thinking?
LORELAI: That I could still skate.
SOOKIE: It's not like riding a bike, you know.
LORELAI: Now you tell me.
SOOKIE: So, what are you up to tonight?
LORELAI: Well, I'm going to do a little line dancing, then run 10km, then just jump up and down really hard for about an hour.
SOOKIE: Taking a night off?
LORELAI: I don't see him every night, Sookie.
SOOKIE: He seems like a great guy.
SOOKIE: That didn't sound very convincing.
LORELAI: No, he is. He is a great guy - for someone.
SOOKIE: For someone?
SOOKIE: Someone else?
SOOKIE: Someone else who is not you although you're the person spending every waking hour with him?
SOOKIE: Uh-huh. How long have you been dating?
what on earth...? Es una expresión que se utiliza para reforzar la pregunta. Equivale a "qué diablos...?"
to ride a bike andar en bicicleta. Recordemos que el verbo to ride se utiliza para medios de transporte de dos ruedas o que se usan con una pierna de cada lado. Por ejemplo, to ride a horse, a pony, a motorbike. Para aprender más, ver Drive or ride?
to be up to something pensar hacer algo
to take a night off tomarse una noche libre
convincing convincente
although aunque
waking hours horas en que se está despierto
uh-huh Interjección que significa "sí" o para indicar que se desea que la otra persona siga hablando. 
to date salir con alguien. Como sustantivo, date significa cita: to have a date es "tener una cita", a blind date es "una cita a ciegas".


MAX: Lorelai?
LORELAI: Look, Rory's out there waiting for me so...
MAX: Wa-wait a minute... Oh, my God! I cannot believe what an idiot I am.
MAX: You're breaking up with me, aren't you?
LORELAI: I don't know.
MAX: Not only are you breaking up with me, you're doing it really badly.
LORELAI: Am I being graded?
MAX: No, I'm a little disappointed. I would've expected a better dumping from you.
LORELAI: Nobody's dumping anyone.
MAX: Really? Then what is this?
LORELAI: I just need space.
MAX: Well I don't. In fact I want as little space as possible. One hundred clowns crammed into a Volkswagen. That's the kind of non-space I'm talking about.
to break up with somebody terminar (una relación) con alguien
aren't you? Es una question tag, se utiliza al final de la oración para confirmar o verificar lo dicho previamente. Para más detalles, ver Question tags.
not only no sólo. Es importante notar que después de esta expresión se usa inversión del verbo, es decir, se coloca el verbo y luego el sujeto. Not only are you... y no Not only you are... 
to be graded ser calificado
dumping abandono. El verbo to dump significa tirar la basura, volcar, abandonar.
crammed atiborrado

You've just spent the past two weeks with all of your family's private problems printed in the newspaper for everyone to read and talk about.

PARIS: You're not going to kiss me, are you?
RORY: What's wrong with you?
PARIS: Nothing, I'm great.
RORY: You've just spent the past two weeks with all of your family's private problems printed in the newspaper for everyone to read and talk about. I saw how you walked around here! I saw how much you hated it. And then you turn around and pull something like this? Doesn't that seem crazy to you? Do you have any idea how many people you've hurt? Forget me and my mom, what about Mr. Medina? He likes you, he encourages you. He holds up your papers and tells the class how great you are. And then you turn around and spread stories about him. Whatever, forget it. You have no idea what I'm talking about.
PARIS: I do like Mr. Medina.
RORY: Well, I'd take some dance lessons because the way you express yourself needs a little work.
PARIS: I probably shouldn't have told people what I saw.
RORY: No, you shouldn't have.
PARIS: I'm sorry... things have been... well... not good lately.
RORY: I know.
PARIS: I just didn't want them talking about me anymore, that's all.
RORY: Well, it worked.
to turn around darse vuelta
to hurt somebody lastimar, hacer daño a alguien
to encourage somebody to do something animar a alguien (a hacer algo)
to spread something difundir, extender, propagar algo
I shouldn't have... No debería haber...
it worked funcionó, lo lograste



The scripts and the images are copyright.
They are used here for educational purposes only.

Ways of walking If you limp, how do you walk? And if you amble, you walk at a fast or slow pace? If you're very tired, how do you usually walk?

Find the answers to these questions by learning more than 50 ways of walking.


CancionesAprende inglés con las letras de tus canciones favoritas, con el análisis del vocabulario y la traducción al español. ¡Fácil y divertido!
Ingresa en English & Songs.


Comprensión de lecturaPractica inglés con ejercicios de comprensión de lectura basados en artículos de cultura inglesa y noticias en Reading




Practicar Comprensión auditivaPractica comprensión auditiva (listening comprehension) con noticias de la actualidad.





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