We offer some activities based on the lyrics of this song.
We thank Francisco Cerrillo (a teacher from Madrid, Spain) for sending this idea.
1. Tacha los verbos de la canción a medida que los escuches.
am apologise are
bet been believing blocked burnt
call cheating cried couldn't cut off
get gone
has have hear heard hit hurt
said see singing slashed sold stopped
was were wipe
2. Responde a las preguntas.
How does she feel?
What is the colour of her eyes?
What is the matter with her cheeks?
What does she cut off?
What does she do with her toes?
What does she do with her face?
What does she sing?
What does she sell?
Why couldn't he phone her?
What does she do with his clothes?
What is the matter with their love?
Who is still alive?
What does she do to his car tyres?
What does she do with his suits?
What does she promise herself?
3. Completa el siguiente texto de la canción.
I cried when I heard you (1) __________ cheating. I cried when I said (2)
__________ was leaving.
I cried when my (3) __________ stopped believing. But I'm all out (4) __________
Then I feel so weak (5) __________ I know I'm strong. So I (6) __________ my
face and I just move (7)__________ .
My eyes are red and my (8) __________ are dry. Singing my last goodbye.
(9) __________ cut off my hair and I (10) __________ my toes. I sold all the
(11) __________ and burnt all your clothes.
I (12) __________ you've been trying to call me. (13) __________ blocked
all your numbers so you (14) __________ phone.
Don't wanna hear, baby, I'm (15) __________.
You hurt me once, your (16) __________ is gone. Our love is dead (17)
__________ I'm still alive.
I cried when (18) __________ slashed all your tyres. I cried (19) __________
your suits hit the fire.
I (20) __________ 'cos I'll never see you again.
(21) __________ never gonna cry again, unless they're happy (22)
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