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English Short Stories - Cuentos en inglés
Aesop's Fables: The Milkmaid and Her Pail

Patty the Milkmaid was going to market carrying her milk in a Pail on her head.

As she went along she began calculating what she would do with the money she would get for the milk.

"I'll buy some fowls from Farmer Brown," said she," and they will lay eggs each morning, which I will sell to the parson's wife. With the money that I get from the sale of these eggs I'll buy myself a new dimity frock and a chip hat; and when I go to market, won't all the young men come up and speak to me! Polly Shaw will be that jealous; but I don't care. I shall just look at her and toss my head like this."

As she spoke she tossed her head back, the Pail fell off it, and all the milk was spilt. So she had to go home and tell her mother what had occurred.

"Ah, my child," said the mother,

"Do not count your chickens before they are hatched."

milkmaid lechera
pail cubo
fowl ave de corral
lay poner
parson sacerdote
dimity algodón tejido
frock vestido
chip hat sombrero de paja
jealous celosa
toss my head sacudir la cabeza
fell off se cayó de
spilt derramada
hatched incubado

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