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English Short Stories - Cuentos en inglés
Aesop's Fables: The Frogs Desiring a King

The Frogs were living as happy as could be in a marshy swamp that just suited them; they went splashing about caring for nobody and nobody troubling with them.

But some of them thought that this was not right, that they should have a king and a proper constitution, so they determined to send up a petition to Jove to give them what they wanted.

"Mighty Jove," they cried, "send unto us a king that will rule over us and keep us in order." Jove laughed at their croaking, and threw down into the swamp a huge Log, which came down splashing into the swamp.

The Frogs were frightened out of their lives by the commotion made in their midst, and all rushed to the bank to look at the horrible monster; but after a time, seeing that it did not move, one or two of the boldest of them ventured out towards the Log, and even dared to touch it; still it did not move.

Then the greatest hero of the Frogs jumped upon the Log and commenced dancing up and down upon it, thereupon all the Frogs came and did the same; and for some time the Frogs went about their business every day without taking the slightest notice of their new King Log lying in their midst.

But this did not suit them, so they sent another petition to Jove, and said to him, "We want a real king; one that will really rule over us." Now this made Jove angry, so he sent among them a big Stork that soon set to work gobbling them all up. Then the Frogs repented when too late.

Better no rule than cruel rule.

frog log stork
frogs ranas. Para aprender los animales en inglés, ver Animals.
as happy as could be tan felices como era posible
marshy swamp pantano fangoso
suited venía bien
splashing about chapoteando
caring preocupándose
troubling molestando
thought pensaron
right correcto
proper apropiada
determined decidieron
Jove Júpiter
send unto us envíanos
rule reinar
keep mantener
laughed rió
croaking croar
threw down arrojó
log tronco
frightened out of their lives terriblemente asustadas
in their midst entre ellas
rushed corrieron de prisa
bank orilla
boldest más valientes
ventured se aventuraron
towards hacia
dared atrevieron
greatest más grande
jumped saltó
thereupon acto seguido
came vinieron
went about their business siguieron con sus asuntos
slightest mínima
notice atención
lying reposado
angry enojado
stork cigüeña
set to work se puso a trabajar
gobble up engullir, devorar
repented se arrepintieron
too late demasiado tarde
better mejor
no rule ningún reinado

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