Vocabulary - Vocabulario de inglés
¿Qué es un phrasal verb?
Un "phrasal verb" es un verbo seguido de una preposición o un adverbio. Su significado es diferente al significado normal de dicho verbo. Por ejemplo, "to give up" significa "abandonar, rendirse". El verbo "to give" usado solo significa "dar".
Si el "phrasal verb" va seguido de un objeto, es transitivo, como "to give up something" (dejar de hacer algo). Si no va seguido de un objeto, es intransitivo, como "to break down" (dejar de funcionar).
La dificultad para los estudiantes de inglés radica en que no pueden traducirse literalmente y deben aprenderse de memoria.
Lee las explicaciones y luego realiza el ejercicio.
- take after somebody = look or behave like somebody.
He really takes after his father.
- take something apart = separate something into its different parts.
He's always taking things apart.
- take something apart = search a place thoroughly.
The police took the house apart looking for clues.
- take somebody/something away = take away somebody/something = remove
The waiter took away the plates before we had finished.
- take something back = take back something = admit that you were wrong
to say something.
I'm sorry, I should take back that remark.
- take something down = take down something = write down quickly.
Can you take some details down?
- take something in = take in something = understand, absorb something
I'm reading this essay but I can't take it in.
- take somebody in = take in somebody = deceive somebody.
Don't be taken in by street vendors.
- take somebody in = take in somebody = let somebody stay in your house.
She's always taking in stray cats.
- take off = (aircrafts) rise into the air.
The plane took off on time.
- take off = start being successful.
Helen's career took off when she began working in tourism.
- take something off = take off something = remove a piece of clothing.
He took off his shoes before entering the house.
- take somebody off = take off somebody = imitate somebody.
She took off the teacher and everyone laughed.
- take somebody on = take on somebody = hire somebody.
We need to take on more employees.
- take something on = take on something = be responsible for something.
He took on too much work and now he has little free time.
- take something over = take over something = take control of something.
His real intention was to take over the company.
- take to somebody/something = start to like somebody/something,
develop something as a habit.
As soon as he met her, he took to her.
- take something up = take up something = become interested in a new
When he was on holidays, he took up a new hobby.
- take something up = take up something = accept an idea or suggestion.
They took up the invitation and will come for dinner tomorrow.
- take something up = take up something = continue something.
Please take up the story where you left off.
Choose the right answer.
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