Recursos para estudiantes de inglés de todos los niveles, profesores y traductores. Para aprender o mejorar tu inglés en forma divertida.
Games - Juegos para aprender inglés
JOKES - Chistes en inglés

Jokes are also interesting to learn a language. Many of them are the same in other languages but others are specially British or American, since they play with words, meanings and similar sounds. Read these jokes and have fun!


- Mum, mum, in school everybody tells me that I'm confused!
- Hey, kid, this is not your house... you live opposite the street!
(Sent by Gaby D. from Santiago del Estero, Argentina)

There was a lady in Niger
Who went for a ride on a tiger.
They returned from the ride,
With the lady inside,
And a smile on the face of the tiger.
(Sent by Silvia Inés Borro from Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Two men at the station:
- At what time does your train leave?
- At two to two. And what about yours?
- At two to two too!
(Sent by María del Pilar Sánchez Tudurí from Cartagena, Spain)

Customer: - Waiter, what's your thumb doing on my steak?
Waiter: - I don't want it to fall on the floor again, sir.
(Sent by Juan Pablo Navarro from Catamarca, Argentina)

- Do you know why the ocean is blue?
- Because fish make blue, blue, blue, blue...
(Sent by Arturo from San Felipe, Chile)

A Chinese is running to the bus stop and he sees that the bus is going away. Is that funny for you?
For the Chinese either.
(Sent by Sapers from Toledo, Spain)

There was a young lady of Ride
Who ate a green apple and died.
The apple fermented
Inside the lamented,
Made cider inside her inside.
(Sent by Jessica Serrano García from Sevilla, Spain)

There were two cows sitting and knitting on top of a mountain.
They keep silent... until one of them says: Moo!
The other cow responds: I had it on the tip of my tongue!
(Sent by Isabel María Rodríguez from Sevilla, Spain)

There was a man with a penguin under his arm. Suddenly he met an old friend, who asked him:
- What are you doing with a penguin under your arm? You should carry him to the zoo!
And the man replied:
-Yes, yesterday we went to the cinema, today we've gone shopping and tomorrow we'll go to the zoo!
(Sent by Hernán Rossi from Buenos Aires, Argentina)

There was a man so short that one time he sat down into a marble and said: 'The world is mine!!!'
(Sent by Judith Gayán  from Madrid, Spain)

A woman goes to the doctor and tells him: 'You know, Doc, I'm suffering of amnesia.'
The doctor asks, 'OK. When did you notice that?'
The woman replies: 'What?'
(Sent by Diomedes Díaz from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)

Why is Santa's Little Helper so depressed?
Because he has no elf-esteem.
(Sent by Carmen Blanco from Gijón, Spain)

What does zero say to number eight?
Nice belt!
(Sent by Ligia Level from Caracas, Venezuela)

What is a child doing on the floor in the supermarket?
Searching low prices.
(Sent by Vanessa Montecino from Neuquén, Argentina)

What is a fish without an eye?
A fsh!
(Sent by Santiago Devia from Bogotá, Colombia)

Why is a student taking a ladder to the school?
Because he wants to get to High School!
(Sent by María Fernanda Mendoza Montoya from Bogotá, Colombia)

What is the difference between a bird and a fly?
That the bird can fly, but the fly cannot bird.
(Sent by Penélope Torres Pliego from México D.F., Mexico)

- Dentist: What kind of filling would you like in your tooth?
- Boy: Chocolate!
(Sent by Nazira Santiago E. from Barranquilla, Colombia)

- Dentist: Good grief! You've got the biggest cavity I've ever seen - the biggest cavity I've ever seen!
- Patient: You don't have to repeat it, Doc!
- Dentist: I didn't - that was the echo!
(Sent by Nazira Santiago E. from Barranquilla, Colombia)

- Patient: Doctor, people keep ignoring me.
- Doctor: Next!
(Sent by Nazira Santiago E. from Barranquilla, Colombia)

- Doctor: That's strange! Your brother is very small compared to you.
- Patient: Of course. He is my half-brother.
(Sent by Nazira Santiago E. from Barranquilla, Colombia)

- Patient: Doctor, Doctor, since the operation on my leg, I lean to the left.
- Doctor: I think you are all right.
(Sent by Nazira Santiago E. from Barranquilla, Colombia)

- Psychiatrist: Congratulations, sir. You're cured.
- Patient: Some cure... Before I was Julius Caesar. Now I'm nobody!
(Sent by Nazira Santiago E. from Barranquilla, Colombia)

- I really know what it means to work hard! I saw it!
(Sent by Carlos Torres from Pamplona, Colombia)

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Find the answers to these questions by learning more than 50 ways of walking.


That's curious!
La palabra cardigan se usa para nombrar un suéter tejido, con botones al frente. Proviene de James Thomas Brudenell, séptimo conde de Cardigan. Soldados británicos usaron esta prenda por primera vez durante el frío invierno de Crimea. En esa oportunidad, el conde lideraba la brigada llamada Light Brigade en la guerra de Crimea en 1854.

Descubre el origen de las palabras en
The Story behind the Words


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