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English Exercises - Ejercicios de inglés


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The relationship between the British royal family and the press is really strange, to Control the least. In many aspects the yellow press should realise that the members od the royal family are indeed of great value for them.

Royal scandals and divorces published with indecent photographs have proved to be just the best way Control raising newspaper circulation. The same papers that showed emotion over royal weddings, Control later decided to hound many royals into divorce.

Every new picture became a cause for Control new rumour; even private conversations were reproduced without permission. Control the press has yet to understand is that Control intrusions into the privacy of the royal family have also contributed to develop an atmosphere in Control even the existence of the monarchy has been challenged.

The reputation of the royals has definitely suffered. And how could this not Control so when their own lives have been turned Control a ridiculous soap opera? Just Control the press creates the idea that TV characters are real people, so it has degraded the royal family to the status of Control series of lifeless characters. And if you think that's what they are, maybe you too are Control victim of that manipulation.

There are numerous issues still Control be debated about the historical function and the prestige of the royal family, to which the yellow press has hardly helped. If the monarchy Control lose its constitutional role, the press will be undoubtedly guilty. And ironically it will then Control killed the goose that laid the golden egg.




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