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English Exercises - Ejercicios de inglés
Complete the transformations using the word given.

Completa las transformaciones usando la palabra dada.
Versión para imprimir

1. The last time Peter was here was in 1990.
Peter hasn't 1990.

2. It's a shame I don't have a camera.
I camera.

3. She teaches English.
She teacher.

4. They found the film very boring.
They the film.

5. I believe you should buy a new computer.
If , I'd buy a new computer.

6. Excuse me, I can't get past you!
Excuse me, you .

7. This is my first visit to Argentina.
This is the to Argentina.

8. Nothing has been decided yet.

9. She returned the blouse to the shop because it was too small.
As the blouse was too small, she to the shop.

10. If you drive faster, it's more dangerous.
The dangerous it is.




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That's curious!
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The Story behind the Words



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