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English Exercises - Ejercicios de inglés


Complete the transformations using the word given.

Completa las transformaciones usando la palabra dada.
Versión para imprimir

1. Can I park my car here?
Is here?Control

2. Are these books yours?
Do these books?Control

3. A lot of wine is drunk in France.
The a lot of wine.Control

4. These two computers are not working.
computers is working.Control

5. There are no empty seats at the front.
the front are taken.Control

6. I have an older brother.
I older than me.Control

7. Bill is not as good at English as Lisa is.
Lisa Bill is.Control

8. That's the best film I've ever watched.
I've film.Control

9. Just by chance I met your sister at the bank.
I at the bank.Control

10. The thief said he hadn't broken into the house.
The thief the house.Control




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That's curious!
SandwichLa palabra sandwich proviene del diplomático inglés John Montagu, cuarto conde de Sandwich. Era un jugador compulsivo y para evitar tener que detener el juego para comer, ordenaba que le trajeran su comida para no perder tanto tiempo. Sus sirvientes le traían fiambre entre dos rebanadas de pan.

Descubre el origen de las palabras en
The Story behind the Words



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