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English Exercises - Ejercicios de inglés


Fill in the blanks with prepositions

Completa los recuadros con la preposición correcta.
Versión para imprimir

1. They took part Control a demonstration against cruelty to animals.

2. She took pity Control the poor little kitten.

3. Julia is going to Kenya on business. She should take advantage Control being there and go on a safari.

4. Could you take care Control my dog while I'm away?

5. He takes pride Control the way his horse looks.

6. He took offence Control what his uncle said.

7. They didn't go to the zoo Control account of the bad weather.

8. The ambassador presented the zoo with the panda 
Control behalf of the Chinese government.

9. Control addition to her nine cats, she has three dogs.

10. He was given a puppy Control place of the dog that died.

11. The firemen rescued the cat from the tree Control means of a ladder.

12. He wrote a long reply Control answer to the complaint about his dog.




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