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Curso de Inglés para Turismo - Lesson 8

Temas de esta lección

En la Lectura de esta unidad el tema consiste en el proceso de pago y salida del hotel.

En cuanto al Vocabulario, aprenderás las palabras y frases más comunes al momento de la facturación y partida del hotel, conocido como "check-out".

En la parte de Gramática, analizaremos las estructuras usadas para expresar un deseo y las formas que existen en inglés para enfatizar o remarcar información específica.

Finalmente, podrás practicar lo aprendido con la serie de Ejercicios interactivos de autoevaluación.


Exercise 3

Read the text and answer the questions.


The ICEHOTEL in the village of Jukkasjärvi, about 17 km from Kiruna, Sweden, erected each year from December to April, was the world's first ice hotel, first opening in 1990.

In 1989, Japanese ice artists visited the area and created an exhibition of ice art. In Spring 1990, French artist Jannot Derid held an exhibition in a cylinder-shaped igloo in the area. One night there were no rooms available in the town, so some of the visitors asked for permission to spend the night in the exhibition hall. They slept in sleeping bags on top of reindeer skin - the first guests of the "hotel".

The entire hotel is made out of snow and ice blocks taken from the Torne River - even the glasses in the bar are made of ice. Each spring, around March, Icehotel harvests tons of ice from the frozen Torne River and stores it in a nearby production hall with room for over 10,000 tons of ice and 30,000 tons of snow. The ice is used for creating Icebar designs and ice glasses, for ice sculpting classes, events and product launches all over the world while the snow is used for building a strong structure for the building. About 1,000 tons of what is left is used in the construction of the next Icehotel.

When the temperature drops and the snow guns start humming on the Torne River shore, usually in mid-November, the building process begins. The snow is sprayed on huge inverted catenary shaped steel forms and allowed to freeze. After a couple of days, the forms are removed, leaving a maze of free-standing corridors of snow. In the corridors, dividing walls are built in order to create rooms and suites. Ice blocks are now being transported into the hotel where selected artists start creating the art and design of the perishable material. Icehotel in Jukkasjärvi opens in phases, the first phase opens in the beginning of December and for each week, another part of the hotel opens up for visitors and guests until the beginning of January when the entire construction is completed.

When completed, the hotel features a bar, church, main hall, reception area and rooms and suites for over 100 guests to sit and sleep on blocks of sculpted ice in the form of chairs and beds. There is also warm accommodation available next to the hotel. The Icehotel in Jukkasjärvi is known to be the biggest hotel of ice and snow in the world, spanning over some 6,000 m². Each suite is unique and the architecture of the hotel is changed each year, as it is rebuilt from scratch. Each year artists submit their ideas for suites and a jury selects about 50 artists to create the church, Absolut Icebar, reception, main hall and suites. When spring comes, everything melts away and returns to the Torne River. The Icehotel only exists between December and April, and has been listed as one of the Seven Wonders of Sweden.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the  Wikipedia article "Icehotel". You can explore more on the Wikipedia website. The text is used here only for educational purposes.


Questions about the text

1. The entire hotel is rebuilt every year.
It's not said on the text.

 2. Ice starts to be collected in

 3. The building process starts in

 4. The hotel opens in

 5. The hotel can accommodate over
100 guests.
50 guests.
6,000 guests.

 6. Guests sleep on beds made of ice.
It's not said on the text.

 7. What happens in spring?
Artists submit ideas for next year's construction.
The hotel melts away.
The architecture of the hotel is changed.

Ejercicio de vocabulario
Ejercicio de
comprensión de lectura

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